Chapter Five

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Two weeks. 

Two whole weeks had passed and George hadn't uttered a single word to me. 

I avoided sleep like the plague, the same nightmare taunted me over and over again. The days were spent racking my brain about the George situation and the streams with Nick would only distract me for short periods of time. I dragged my feet to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal. 

As I stood in front of the cupboard staring at the cereal options, Luca wrapped himself around my leg. I pulled myself down to the floor and rubbed my hand through his fur. "I don't know what I did wrong, Luca" I muttered, he returned a blank stare before walking over to his empty food bowl. 

"I don't know why I thought you'd be helpful" I groaned as I pulled myself back onto my feet. After searching all the cupboards, I found the cat food and emptied the packet into the bowl. I quickly scoffed down my breakfast and watched Luca do the same thing. 

Pulling my uniform out of the dryer, I rushed out of the house in order to catch the bus. I was a barista in a small coffee shop, I didn't talk much about my job as it was fairly boring. I was just trying to earn enough to be able to get my own place, I always felt guilty for living at George's. 

Dealing with angry customers and rude teenagers all morning caused me to go into autopilot as I tried to ignore the ache in my feet from standing for so long and the ache in my heart. 

"One medium latte please" a man's voice said, I tapped it into the till, keeping my eyes down. I picked the cup up and held the pen against the styrofoam. "What name?' I asked as cheerily as I could manage. "Wilbur" my head snapped up, my eyes were the size of golf balls. 

"Wilbur Soot?" I spluttered catching the stack of cups that I had knocked with my elbow. "Y/N?" his face looked equally as shocked. We stood in silence for a moment, eyes fixated on each other with our mouths wide open, completely speechless. We had interacted a few times on twitter but I always tried to not tread on George's toes online, including avoiding interactions with his friends. 

Luckily the shop was quiet so we were able to stand and talk as he sipped his latte. "We should collab sometime" he suggested, tapping his number into my phone. "I didn't know you lived in this area" I said, I had to crane my neck upwards to make eye contact with him. 

He sent a polite smile in my direction, "I don't actually. I just decided to have a day out, I needed a break from the social media world" he explained, everything about him was gentle, his mannerisms were slow and kind and he kept a shy smile on his face. "God, I completely understand" I sighed. 

After a few more minutes of conversing, the shop began to fill up with people so we said goodbye and I went back to my job. 

When I got home I threw my keys onto the counter and flopped onto the couch with an exhausted sigh. 

George came shuffling down the stairs with a blanket wrapped around himself and a hot mug of tea in his hand. His nose was bright red and his pale face drooped joylessly. I frowned at the sight of the frail looking boy. 

"Holy shit, what happened to you?" I asked, not really expecting a reply. "I'm sick" he sniffled, standing awkwardly in the centre of the living room. I scooted myself sideways on the couch and patted beside me with an expectant smile. 

"What if I get you sick?" he frowned, I shrugged in return "I don't mind" I said simply. He gave me a weak smile before joining me on the couch. I grabbed the tv remote and put on Little Women, ignoring George's complaints about my taste in movies. 

He wrapped his arms around my waist and nestled his head into my chest as I ran my fingers through his dark hair. It reminded me of when we were teenagers, we would spend all of our time watching movies together and falling asleep on the couch. His mum would always comment on how cute we were and we would return remarks of disgust. 

I missed waking up in the morning tangled up with him, when we started to get older he grew more reluctant to such activities, it had been years since we watched a movie together. 

His quiet snores vibrated against my chest, I stared in awe at his blissful face. Even when he was sick, his features were perfect. Every part of his face radiated innocence and amiability. The corners of my mouth curved upwards at the image in front of me. I pulled my phone out and took a selfie, making sure that George's sleeping face was in the frame. 

"I can't do it" he mumbled in his sleep, "I don't want to hurt her" he continued. At this point I had melted into his warmth and comfort, unable to react or move. My eyes drooped as his quiet snores continued, I tried to focus on the movie but it was no use. 

My eyes fluttered shut. 

I woke up with something heavy weighing me down. George was still fast asleep on top of me. I peeled my sweaty legs away from his and silently got up from the couch to get a shower. My head was pounding and I felt like I couldn't breathe. 

On my way up to the bathroom I realised that I had finally gone a night without my usual nightmare. I let out a sigh of relief but it came out as nasally and laboured. When I met my reflection in the mirror, I realised that George had given me his sickness. 

My eyes were dark, my nose was bright pink and every breath was full of snot and phlegm. I took a shower and when I went back downstairs, the couch was empty. I laid back down on it and brought my knees up to my chest, curling myself up into a ball completely full of self pity. 

George's footsteps carried into the kitchen, I could hear him singing and dancing, seemingly feeling better. He stepped into the living room, "you gave me your illness" I mumbled. He let out what sounded like a sigh of annoyance in response before going up to his room without saying a single word. 

We were back to square one. 

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