Chapter Two

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After a week I decided to bite the bullet and stream for the first time. I turned my PC on, the whir filled my room as I tapped my fingers anxiously. I tapped my thumbs quickly on the my phone, informing twitter about my stream, excited replies began to fill my notifications, alleviating my apprehension ever so slightly. 

"Hello chat" I said breathlessly, watching the viewers roll in rapidly. I stared blankly at the screen for a minute, unsure of what to do. My panic was interrupted by the buzz of my phone. 

You've got this, if you need me I'm right here x

A smile crept onto my face at George's kind gesture. I hovered the cursor over the call button on discord before deciding to do this alone. "I'm just going to be playing some Minecraft whilst answering some of your questions, I'll start doing more interesting streams after this" I explained. 

I loaded up a survival world and began chopping down the trees and getting ready to build my house. "Ava thank you so much for the donation! No George and I aren't together. We lived next door to each other and grew up together. We've basically been best friends since the day i was born" half the chat seemed upset that we weren't together and the other half seemed relieved. 

Hopefully the hate would die down now that I had cleared up that George was single. When we were young teenagers we had talked about getting married and being together but we never truly meant it, we didn't want to ruin our friendship. We had a special kind of bond, not a single argument between us had arose during our 20 years of friendship. 

I continued to answer a few more questions as I ran around the nether, trying not to die. 

Suddenly, my door flung open and George came stomping in. "I made you some food" he said with his usual scintillating smile. My eyebrows furrowed together as I shook my head slightly, "you can't cook though?" He scoffed at my remark as if it was completely ridiculous, "I never said I cooked you some food" he said with a smirk, placing a bowl of cereal in front of me. 

The chat was completely freaking out due to George's sudden appearance, causing me to let out a slight chuckle. 

"Why don't you join me?" I asked, he glanced around my room with a huff. "There's nowhere for me to sit" he mumbled. I stood up and waved my hand at my chair, he sat down with a puzzled look, "where are you going to sit-" I sat myself on top of him with a smile. He shook his head before placing his hand on my keyboard, luckily we were both left handed so he didn't need to change any of the controls. 

I happily ate my cereal as he played Minecraft and talked to my chat excitedly. "Thanks Dylan for the dono, yeah we live together. It's only until I can afford my own place though" I mumbled with a mouth full of cereal. I picked up the spoon and placed it in George's mouth, he returned a smile before turning his concentration back to the game. 

A donation came up on the screen telling us to kiss. Both our heads snapped up to look at the donation, we scrunched our faces up and said "gross" in unison. We turned our heads to face each other with wide eyes before bursting into fits of laughter. 

Our laughter was cut short by another donation coming in, I let out a gasp before jumping back slightly in shock. I had forgotten that I was sat on George's knee and ended up tumbling backwards to the ground with a loud thump, bouncing the back of my head harshly off the floor.

"I think Y/N meant to say thank you for the £1000 donation" he laughed before realising that I was still on the floor, holding back tears with my hand gripping my head. "Fuck" I whispered as George got up to help me back onto the chair. He stood behind the chair with his hands on the arms of the chair, he placed a kiss on my injured head and left the room to get me some ice. 

I spent the rest of the stream with George stood behind me, holding ice on my head so that I could continue playing Minecraft. 

A week later I had managed to make a fair amount of money from the streams, I had multiple large donations. I wanted to thank George for encouraging me to stream so I decided to go and get him a present. 

Throwing my keys onto the counter and shouting George's name, I carried the box into the living room. He came rushing down, panic on his face, "oh my god, I thought you had hurt yourself again" he huffed. I stepped to the side and did jazz hands towards the box with a wide smile. 

His eyes lit up as he pulled the cat into an embrace, snuggling his face into its fur. "His name is Luca, he's 6 months old and he's all yours". His face was covered with delight, he almost looked like a little kid on Christmas day. 

He darted up the stairs with the cat in his arms, giggling like a maniac. 

I ran up the stairs behind him to find that he had wrapped Luca in a blanket and was rocking him in his arms like a baby. I smiled as the cat stared up at George, seemingly infatuated with the gentle boy. 

With a satisfied sigh, I dragged my feet to my room and flopped myself onto my bed. I placed my earphones in my ears and hummed quietly to the music with my eyes squeezed shut. It felt good to be able to do something nice for George after everything he'd done for me. 

He was the reason I was still alive, he was the one person who guided me through the turmoil when everything crumbled around me. 

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