Chapter Twenty Five

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His eyebrows furrowed slightly at my sudden seriousness as a wave of worry brimmed to his eyes. Turning my eyes to my mug, I pressed my lips tightly together. Uncertainty about this conversation clouded my words as I scrambled for the right way to start.

"Do you remeber anything about the party?" I blurted out, shocking myself. Wilbur looked taken aback for a split second before he cleared his throat quietly and regained composure. His face scrunched slightly as he tried to recall the night.

"Not really, why? Did something happen?" he questioned, shuffling uncomfotably on my bed.

With a shrug, I lowered my head. "I woke up with..." I widened my eyes and gestured to my neck. Leaning forward and lowering my tone, I whispered "bruises". A chuckle erupted from him as he brought his hand to his mouth.

"What's so serious about a few hickies?" he chuckled, his words slightly muffled by his hand. My eyes met his as silence blanketed the room. His gaze scanned my serious expression, I watched as his smile slowly began to drop. Jumping back slightly with widened eyes, his mouth fell open.

He began to wave his finger between the two of us, refusing to break eye contact with me. His eyes stayed frantic. "we-" he cut himself short to run his hands through his hair. Red rushed to the tip of his nose and placed itself across his cheeks.

I gently placed my hands on the sides of his face in an attempt to calm him down, ignoring the warmth that radiated into my fingertips. His brown eyes met mine as his eyelids lowered slightly with calmness. The corners of my mouth twitch upwards slightly at the sight of him.

He was always the comfort in my chaos, he understood me in ways that George didn't seem to. Why hadn't I given him a chance? Why wasn't he the one I loved?

"Do you think this changes things between us?" I muttered, too scared to meet his gaze. 

"I- I don't know. I do care about you, a lot. Maybe more than a friend should" he said, his tone was low and delicate. 

A smirk made its way to my mouth. His words somehow brought a sense of happiness. "I care about you too, a lot."

"A date" he smiled, throwing confusion into my expression. "Let's go on a date. Just to see what it's like" his smiled as he placed his hands on top of mine, still cupping his face. Pressing my lips together, my eyes scanned his face for any sign of humour but all i could find was seriousness.

Throwing a quick nod towards him, he jumped up from the bed, almost spilling the cups of tea. "Be ready in an hour" he shouted as he closed the door behind him. I couldn't help but giggle to myself as I walked towards my mirror, catching the cheesy smile in my reflection. I hadn't smiled like this in a while. 

After getting ready, I made my way downstairs. Wilbur was stood at the front door with a brown jumper and jeans on, looking as cute as always. He wiggled his eyebrows at me as he jingled the keys in front of him and opened the door. Brushing my hair out of my face, I made my way to the car. 

After a few minutes of singing along to the radio, we pulled up next to a small coffee shop. A brown sign hung above the warm lights of the quiet shop, radiating the ambience of warmth. 

A small ring fell from the door as Wilbur held it open for me. I was instantly engulfed in the scent of coffee, dancing through the air with the quiet classical music that played from a record player in the corner. 

"You sit down and I'll buy the drinks" Wilbur smiled, pulling a chair out for me. I sat down with a nod and watched as he excitedly walked to the counter. I used this time to take in the image in front of me. Wilbur perfectly matched the warmth of the atmosphere as he towered over the counter, his fluffy hair slightly covering his eyes as he joked with the barista. 

It looked like a scene from a movie. 

After a few minutes, he made his way towards our table. He placed two cups of coffee down before sitting in front of me. Our knees touched and instead of moving away, they stayed pressed together. The warmth from his knees radiated against mine. 

"Try it, it's the best coffee in Brighton. Trust me." He encouraged as he pushed the cup towards me. I grasped it between my fingers, allowing the warmth to travel from my fingertips.  Bringing the cup to my mouth, I took a small sip. 

I jumped slightly at the slight burn on the tip of my tongue before widening my eyes with a nod. "That coffee is amazing" I laughed, earning a proud smile from Wilbur. When the laughter had died down, a heavy silence blanketed the atmosphere around us. 

He cleared his throat before glancing out of the window. "Oh, it's raining" he stated, no real amusement was apparent in his tone. 

"Yeah, I definitely prefer the rain over the hot weather" I smiled glancing down at my coffee. He nodded slowly, still looking out of the window. Bringing the mug to my lips and sipping it, I struggled to think of topics to talk about with him. He mirrored my actions, also silently sipping his coffee. 

When a few minutes had passed, the silence was turning painful. We were only able to muster up one word responses to each other and each topic was more boring than the last. I began to turn the cup around, allowing a deep scratching noise to come from the table in an attempt to fill the silence. 

"We should probably go" Wilbur finally said, clearing his throat. With a nod, I stood up and made my way to the door. Crossing my arms across my chest, I waited for Wilbur to follow behind. Suddenly, I felt a slight kick on the back of my legs, causing me to fall forwards. 

As I stood back up, Wilbur was stood at the door,, gripping his stomach and wheezing. I quickly walked over to him and playfully punched him in the arm. "You're such a dick" I laughed, trying to ignore his ridiculous laugh otherwise it would cause a laughing fit. 

Wilbur grabbed me and flung me over his shoulder and began to run down the street. I began hit my hands on his back and swinging my legs in an attempt to stop him, though I couldn't manage any words through my laughs. He spun us around before placing me back on my feet and hugging me. 

"Can I try something?" He asked, rubbing gentle circles on my cheek with his thumb as his eyes searched mine. 

"Yes" I mumbled, unsure of what he was going to do. 

He slowly inched forward until our lips connected. As our lips moved, the kiss began to feel emptier. There was no spark or warmth, so I pulled away. 


"It's okay" he interrupted, "I didn't feel anything either. I just wanted to see" he said as he placed his chin on the top of my head and wrapped his arms around me once again. "I think we're soulmates. Not all soulmates are meant to be together romantically. We're friend soulmates."

I couldn't help but smile at his words. We clearly didn't work in a romantic way, the coffee shop date was almost painful and it wasn't worth forcing anything. He was my platonic soulmate. 

During the car ride home, all I could think about was George. What if he was my romantic soulmate and I pushed him away? I shook my head, realising that he was the one who pushed me away, though it didn't make it hurt any less. 

When Wilbur and I walked into the kitchen after we arrived home, my eyes fell onto the kitchen counter. There sat two halves of paper on the edge. "I thought I threw these away" I mutter to myself as I held the two halves together. 

I glanced over at Wilbur who was searching the fridge before sighing. 

"Fuck it" I muttered before putting the phone number into my contacts and bringing my phone to my ear.  

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