It's over

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Germany sat happily speaking to his allies. It was lunch break in the big office building they worked at. Germany would usually spend this time working but was dragged (literally) out of his office from his fellow Europeans to spend time in the large room.

Lunch was going smoothly chatting about different political opinions and how Brexit was now soon to be finally cleared

It was going smoothly until the American entered the building without permission. The countries snickered and laughed as America was chased by EU who screamed for him to exit the office.

After more yelling by the blue union, America shoved him into the closet where he was still locked in.

"Should we let him out?" The small Luxembourg asked, staring up at the Netherlands who laughed.

"Nah. He deserves it." The taller country puffed out, laughing as the closet door was pounded on again and a string of multilingual curse words emitted from behind the door.

"I don't know what he is saying but whatever." America said, taking hold of the sandwich Malta was holding, "Its ok if I eat this right? Thaaanks."

Germany snatched the sandwich back before it could reach Americas mouth and gave it back to Malta who gave a small thank you, "No stealing food America. I swear, you have a serious addiction."

"Yep. I'm a raccoon right now, grabbing whatever I can." America stood up and spun around to look at the countries; all being much smaller than him, "Can you believe I haven't had McDonalds in 2 weeks! I didn't think I could live that long without it!"

"I'm surprised your even still alive." Poland mumbled bitterly making the countries around him burst into laughter.

This went on for a few more minutes before the Europeans were alerted by America screeching as a strong hand was placed on his shoulder.

Germanys eyebrows furrowed as America was pushed into a beanbag at the edge of the room before turning to the tall figure.

"Russland? What are you doing here?" Germany passed his cup of coffee to France who held it gently and stood up to stand in front of his boyfriend. "Are you alright?"

"We need to talk." Russia not so harshly grabbed Germanys wrist and pulled him towards the bathroom which sat next to the cupboard with a sign reading 'ANGRY EU. DO NO OPEN' on it.

The door slammed open and Russia dragged them both inside before shutting it again. As soon as Russia let go, Germany held his slightly red wrist.

"Russland...?" Germany squeaked nervously, staring into the icy blue eyes of Russia that flickered in anger. Minutes of silence went past only making Germany more concerned and confused, "Are you alright?"

"I just don't understand." Russia finally growled, still blankly looking at the wall.

"What don't you understand?" Germany went to place a hand on his boyfriends' shoulder but was shrugged off.

"Why have you been hanging out with them so much?" Russia muttered angrily, the flame in his eyes growing stronger.

"Who?" Germany questioned willing to listen to anything on his loved one's mind.

"Them." Russia signalled to the door and the German tilted his head.

"Am I not allowed to hang out with my friends?" Germany asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You are. But I'm your boyfriend, I think I deserve more of your time than he does." Russia explained, placing emphasis on the 'he'.

"He is basically family to me! He raised me! Don't tell me your jealous?" Germany laughed slightly in concern. Russia sighed and spun to face Germany.

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