I'm not letting go

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Russia sat on the couch, a vodka bottle in his hand and his ushanka missing, revealing his fluffy yet messy white hair. He took a sip of the clear liquid in the vodka glass. The taste was different than usual, so he inspected the bottle before taking another sip. He soon chuckled as he realised what his boyfriend had done.

"Replaced the vodka with water again? You really don't like me drinking do you?" Russia muttered with a huff but finished the bottle anyways, placing it onto the coffee table infront of him. He stared at the screen of the TV as it played a random Russian movie. Leaning back, he smiled as he thought about his boyfriend.

Then, he stared at the clock on the wall, grumbling as he saw it was almost time for him to get a surprise phone call from his government telling his useless things he couldn't care less about. Groaning, he leaned his head back onto the head rest of the couch, listening to the silence of the house. He soon heard the small pit pat of feet and looked back straight.

German appeared infront of Russia; holding out his arms as he made grabby motions with his hand. A blanket was messily and loosely wrapped around his shoulders and it looked like it would fall any second. Russia smiled lovingly and patted his lap, to which Germany happily accepted. He slid onto Russia's lap, tightly wrapping his short arms around the tallers shoulders and letting his head rest on his boyfriend's shoulder. Russia adjusted the blanket to which the German hummed and closed his eyes.

"Are you tired?" Russia asked with a low voice, rubbing Germanys lower back.

"Nein. I just want hugs." Germany mumbled into Russia's shoulder making a small shiver go up his spine.

He started to draw mindless shapes on Germanys back, enjoying the peaceful time they were having together. He placed gently kissed into his hair and nuzzled his nose at the scalp, smiling as Germany sighed contently.

A couple of minutes later, a buzzing was heard by Russia and he looked in the direction it came from, noticing his phone buzzing on the kitchen counter. He realised it was out of his reach and sighed as he slowly nudged Germany.

"Baby?" Russia whispered as he saw Germany stir and look up at him tiredly. His baby blue eyes covered in a haze of sleepiness. Russia awed at the sight and rubbed his lovers back in comfort.

"Mm?" He tiredly mumbled, digging his face into Russia's shoulder again. Russia sighed, not wanting to ruin the moment with Germany but gently nudging him once again.

"Baby, I have a call."

"Screw the call." Germany averted Russia's attention to him and distracted him with a kiss on the lips before leaning his head back in the crook of Russia's neck.

"Its from my government. I can't ignore it детка."

"Fine." Germany grumbled but only held on tighter to Russia's torso. Russia sighed with a smile and sat up, wrapping his arms around Germany tightly and using his strength to pick them both up. The German was quick to wrap his legs around Russia's hips in support and smiled tiredly with shut eyes.

Russia carried Germany to the kitchen, sitting Germany down onto the counter and readjusting the blanket that managed to stay around the smallers shoulders. The Russian answered his phone and started to speak as he hugged his boyfriend once again with one arm.

"Alright whatever. See you Monday." Russia hung up his phone and placed it back onto the counter, running a single hand through his hair as he thought back about the useless call he received. He felt small movements from beside him and lovingly stared at his lover, who's head gently leaned on his bare shoulder. The Russian gave the cheek of his boyfriend a kiss before moving to his shut eyelids, kissing those too. His hands combing through the black hair Germany had.

Russia adjusted their position as carefully as he could to make sure he didn't wake up the German. He wrapped the yellow legs around his hips and picked him up, wandering over to the couch once again. Standing infront of the couch, he looked over his shoulder and slowly lowered himself onto the couch; attempting to refrain from doing anything that could wake Germany.

Once he was sat, he set up a few pillows at the end of the couch with one hand, the other wrapped around his boyfriends' torso in a protective manner. He laid them both down, making sure Germany was fully covered in the soft blanket.

Smiling, he lovingly kissed the fluffy black hair he was blessed with and thanked the Gods that he had such a perfect boyfriend before drifting to sleep; not letting go.

But when he awoke, Germany was gone. Russia was dreaming once again.


Words: 912

Requested by Viviviox
They are an amazing author and artist
Please check them out!

Ok ok
I know this was supposed to be fully fluff
But I just got a really angsty part 2 idea so I had to add that last line
Because hear me out!
Angst after fluff is the best
It just pulls at your heart strings
And annoys your best friend (sorry puppet! I cant resist!)

I'm actually proud of this funny enough
It's not perfect but it's not terrible

Anyways hope you enjoyed

Auf wiedersehen

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