Oranges and Lemons

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Sort of more angsty one because angst is all I can write ._.

The other one has been cured by Fnaduppet fluff abilities-


Germany sits up with a flash, breathing heavily as tears roll down his cheeks. Sweat ripped of his forehead as he pulled the small teddy bear- previously discarded on the floor- closer to his chest. He choked a sob and he pulled the blankets that were strewn across the bottom of the bed closer to cover his legs as they were getting cold.

He looked towards his only source of light and sighs at the pitch-black sky outside. Wrapping the thin blanket on the nearby stool around him, he stands up and walks towards it, his bare yellow feet barely making a noise. He climbs onto the small stool below the window and kneels onto it; peering out at the foliage of the garden that led out to a large forest.

Germany liked the forest here. Yes, he didn't like it as much as the forest where he used to live, but that wasn't a forest now.

It was the ruins of a war.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw light spill into the room and the sound of a door opening. Yet he didn't turn around nor listen. He only focused on the faint howling of an owl.

"Hey bud?" A British voice spoke out making the German turn around.

"Oh, hallo Britain." Germany said as he turned back around to face the black sky.

"What are you still doing up?" Britain looked down at his watched and looked at the time, "It is 2:57 in the morning. You should have gone to sleep ages ago."

"I know." Britain sighed at the answer and walked towards the kneeled over German, wanting to place a hand on his shoulder but hesitating.

"Can you not sleep? Or a nightmare?"

"Nightmare." The German replied plainly and looked up at the British.

"Well, can I help you?" Confusion filled the Germans eyes.

"What?" Germany asked intrigued.

"Get to sleep. There's a nursery rhyme I know." Britain says smiling.


"Well get in bed and I will tell you."

The German hops of the little stool and shuffles over to the bed, climbing in and sitting there. Britain chuckled and gestured for Germany to lay down, which he does not hesitate to do. Britain tucks him into the blanket and sits down on top of it; making sure he doesn't accidently squish the smaller boi.



"Oranges and lemons~
Say the bells of St Clement's~

"You owe me five farthings~
Say the bells of St Martin's~

When will you pay me?~
Say the bells of Old Bailey~

When I grow rich~
Say the bells of Shoreditch~

When will that be?~
Say the bells of Stepney~

I do not know~
Say the great bells of Bow~

Here comes a candle~
To light you to bed~

Here comes a-"


To chop of your head!"

Germany giggles as he remembers his childhood and stares back and the man tied up behind him.

"Why are you doing this?" The man cries out. He sounded desperate, needy and-

"Pathetic." The German growls. The tied-up man follows every step Germany takes with narrowed eyes.

"Germany this isn't funny! Stop this now!"

"Silly, silly Britain~" Germany cooed, placing a finger under Britain's chin. "When with you learn?"

"Learn what?"

"I'm a monster! I mean, you've said it yourself! Everyone has said it! And even if they don't say it, they sure do think it!" The German rambled, whipping the knife around in the process. The British was just able to dodge it as it came flying in his direction.

Then the knife was pointed straight at the British.

"All of my family hated you. Wanted to kill you. And know I have the opportunity to make them proud." He madness in his eyes was replaced with joy as he ran around the chair in excitement, "Isn't this exciting!"

Germany stops abruptly once in front of the chair again and smiles, bending down. He spins the knife in his hands and presses down harshly.

Britain let out a scream of agony as the knife slices though his blue skin. Tears roll out of his eyes, but he does not look away from germany.

He didn't want to look away from the malicious smile on his face. The one that used to be sweet and pure before they sent him to that place.

His tongue peaking out from his lips occasionally as he spins the knife and presses it deeper into the blue body to the point the blade could not be seen.

Germany's hand moves onto Britain's shoulder and he grips it as the knife is pulled out. The blade covered by a thick layer of red flowing blood that dripped onto Germany's clothing, but he didn't care.

With a faster pace, the German repeats the action of stabbing.

Blood started to drool out of Britain's mouth and his vision started getting blurry.

His throat hurt but he was willing to make the sacrifice.

"Oranges... and lemons...
Say the bells of... St Clement's..."

Despite the blur, the British could see the pain rise in the German eyes.

"You owe me... five... farthings...
Say the bells of St Martin's...

When... will you... pay me...?
Say the bells... of Old Bailey..."

The sound of metal dropping on concrete could be heard and despite the pain, Britain could tell what had happened

"When... I grow rich...
Say... the bells of... Shoreditch...

When will... that... be...?
Say... the bells... of... Stepney..."

Britain starts to run out of breath as he feels the feeling in his chest tighten.

"I... do not... know...
Say... the great... bells of Bow...

Here comes a... candle...
To light you... to..."

The German looks at the British man in shock and despair. A couple of tears fall out of his eyes as he places his shaky hands on the bloody patch on Britain's chest.

"No... No... Wait... No..."


"Who would do this?" The French sobbed as the three watched the casket being lowered into the Earth.

"I-I don't know..." America sobbed as he looked away from the grave, tears escaping his eyes. He then looked over to the younger next to him, "Ger?"

The German didn't reply as he watched the casket without emotion.

"Here comes a candle,
To light you to bed...

Here comes a chopper,
To chop of your head..."


Words: 1119



Now most of the chapter was predicted by Puppet which makes me think if she can read my mind...

A fluffy version will be made!

Anyway hope you enjoyed

Auf wiedersehen

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