Then came the rain

501 19 24

The curtains rustled against the window, being pushed by the light autumn breeze that made its way into and through the house. Russia watched as Germany shivered, pulling the blanket further over his shoulder. The Russian let Germany have the blanket; the cold didn't affect him anymore. With a gentle yawn, the Russian sat up, feeling slightly lightheaded, and stretched out his arms, arching his back to let out the aches that had built up through the night. He didn't want to wake Germany up yet.

This was the third month Germany had taken off of work according to the calendar that hung in the kitchen. Though Germany never told him why and since he didn't, Russia didn't want to further pester him about it.

Not to long after, a loud ringing filled the room, enveloping it from other noises like the rustling of the leaves that fell out of the trees outside. The German to the side of him groaned, freeing his arm from its warm barrier, and slapping the alarm until it went silent.

"Good morning, Germs." Russia sighed, still watching Germany with half open eyes, who stretched his legs under the blanket, his toes poking out of the end as he did; his chest rising and falling with each breath. But Russia only got another grunt in return before Germany sat up too, immediately shivering and having a look of regret on his face.

Russia sniggered slightly rubbing his eyes with his cold hands. Then he reached for his hoodie at the end of the bed in attempt to cheer his lover up with it but before he could, Germany threw the blanket off his legs and, with another shiver, stood up. The Russian frowned before swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing up himself, stumbling over the air, "Are you still ignoring me?"

Without responding, he grabbed his jumper from his bed side table before leaving the room. Russia mumbled to himself, throwing the hoodie back down on the bed and following behind his boyfriend. Through the corridors and down the stairs. The same as yesterday. And the day before.

"Are you actually going to tell me what I did wrong?" Russia asked, closing his eyes in slight anger and in result, skidding down the stairs creating a thump at the bottom. Germany didn't react, he only turned his head to look back before proceeding to walk on. During this Russia had held his hand out, hoping the love of his life would at least help him up but again. Ignored. The Eurasian country groaned, gripping onto the railing behind him to help himself and, after dusting himself off, he carried on into the kitchen.

"I feel like what your doing is a bit excessive Germany." Russia concluded as he joined Germany at the kitchen island they had. Germany took a long sip of coffee, looking down in between them. His shoulders shook slightly which to Russia just looked like shivers, so he continued explaining his feelings, something Germany had told him to do before he started to ghost him, "I don't know what I did. Like if I told a secret or broke a promise. And if I did, you know I would never purposely hurt you right? And I know you can be over dramatic sometimes, but this is too much I feel."

He turned his head away, a wave of sadness coming over him. He now remembered why he hated admitting to his feelings. Blinking away the tears, he focused on something in the background, more specifically the old photos that were framed in the next room. The had been taken around a year ago and consisted of multiple things: their proposal and wedding were in a few of them. Russia smiled at them, reminiscing at the times when he heard a few sniffs. Then sobs. Then a flood of guilt.

He turned back around quickly to Germany who sat hunched over crying into his hands, a few tears escaping and dripping into the now cold coffee. Eyes widening, he tried to reach out but before he could Germany walked away, hands still over his face.

"Germany wait!" Russia cried, standing up and rapidly following him. As he turned the corner out of the corridor, he caught a glimpse of Germany leaving the house. Russia, concerned about the weather, hesitated in whether to take the German's coat with him but, deciding against it, he rushed out in unison. "Where are you going!"

His feet collided with the leaf covered floor as he chased the German, screaming and shouting for him stop.

Then came the rain.

(Me getting lazy and tired. Trust the process)

Germany had arrived at an old-looking but new metal gate and opened it with a screech, Russia not too far behind him.

"Germany, it is raining. Please lets go back." Russia pleaded, in fear of the drenched country before him getting sick. His salty tears blended in with the rain so much that you could differentiate.

"I can't let go." He uttered, voice croaky as if he had not spoken for years which, to Russia, felt like it had. The Russian himself had started to cry, this sight of Germany was one he only wanted to see in nightmares just to wake up and realise he was alright and safe. Germany continued to sob, the rain pouring heavier as he did so before falling to his knees. The mud soaked from the rain soaked his trousers as he cried louder, "I can't let go what you did Russia."

Russia wanted to be angry, but he couldn't, he could only feel sad. His usually fluffy hair was soaked, and he really started to regret forgetting his ushanka. Russia stomped his foot on the ground, desperation in every breath he took, "Germs please! Just tell me what I did!"

"Why did you have to leave me alone!" His punched at the floor, his delicate pale hands covering themselves in the gooey brown mud. Tears streamed like waterfalls out of his eyes.

"I'm right here!" The air was crisp, and Russia started to shiver. He found it odd. The cold usually never bothered him.

"Why does everyone I love have to die!" Russia stumbled back, his breath hitching as his hands started to shake. He looked down at them, properly looked down at them. He could now see the light transparentness when he saw his shoes from through his hands. Giving a hollow laugh, everything came back to him, while drops of blood dripped onto his hands.

"Oh yeah,

I'm dead."


Words: 1160

And I come back with a bang
This has been in the working for a while but I prefer this over homework

I might have said this is fluff which is what it was supposed to be but it's how I am

I don't know what else to say

Have a nice day/night

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