Oranges and Lemons (More fluffy)

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This is the more fluffy one that  Fnaduppet helped me with-


A tiny and quiet sob cut through the silent night air; This sob could be traced back to the room of a small German boy. He laid curled up in a small ball gripping a small stuffed animal in bed.

A few rooms over, were his adoptive fathers. They had all been woken up by the noise from their newly adopted son and sat up in their respective beds.

"Who's turn is it?" The striped one, America, asked.

The tri colored one, France looked over and raised his hands in the air, "I did it last time", the other two looked at the last, the union of the group.

Who sighed and asked, "It's my turn?", The other two nodded and the British Union gave a soft sigh before getting up and going to the door.

He walked down the decent sized hallway, his nightgown swishing around his feet and came to a door. He pushed the door open slightly, letting small amounts of light in. He could see two small but quite terrified eyes staring at him,

"It's just me, Germs", he walked over while looking at the wall, "we may need to invest in a nightlight for you, the moon does quite a job however." He muttered before averting his attention back to the boy.

Britain sat down softly on the bed, next to the small crying German. He gently rubbed the boy's back and helped him sit up, "Germany, what's wrong?" The boy sobbed, and Britain pulled him closer into a hug,

"S-scary dream" The boy cried, cuddling further into the older man for comfort.

"Hm. And what was this scary dream about?"

When the British didn't get an answer, his eyebrow furrowed, and he gazed down and the small German.

"Can you tell me? Or would you rather not talk about it?" Britain asked, placing a short kiss on the boy's forehead.

"I-it was P-papa..." Germany replied after a while, shaking slightly.

Britain thought for a while before smiling down at the boy, "Well I have something to get your mind off him."

"W-what?" Germany looked at Britain as he was picked up a tucked into bed once again.

Britain placed another small kiss onto the black forehead before taking a deep breath.

"Oranges and lemons ~
Say the bells of St Clement's ~

You owe me five farthings ~
Say the bells of St Martin's ~ "

He sees Germany smile slightly and breaths in again.

"When will you pay me? ~
Say the bells of Old Bailey ~

When I grow rich ~
Say the bells of Shoreditch ~

When will that be? ~
Say the bells of Stepney ~

I do not know ~
Say the great bells of Bow ~

Here comes a candle ~
To light you to bed ~

Here comes a- "

The British cuts himself of at the last line which resulted in the Germans confusion.

"Why did you stop?" Germany asked as he observed the British face. Britain stood up and tucked the German in more.

"Don't worry about it..." he chuckled slightly and smiled at the younger, "Its not very suitable for little boys like you."

"I am not little!" Germany argued smiling.

Britain brought up his fingers and wiggled them, "I might have to use them~"

Germany's eyes widen as he saw the fingers a dived down under the cover. Chuckling once more, he rubbed the boys back through the blanket and stood up

"Good night Germs."

A fraction of Germany's headed peaked out from under the blankets and giggled, "Gute nacht Britain." 

Then Britain left the room.

"Were you ever told the end?" The taller asked, melting into the embrace of his boyfriend.

"No. I had to find it out myself." The smaller explained, holding tighter onto the bare chest of the taller, hoping for more warmth than the blankets could give him.

The Russian chuckled as he brushed his pinkie finger down the Germans nose. Germany giggled at the tickling sensation and squished his cheek further against the red chest.

Russia fingers skilfully weaved through the messy black hair as if he had been doing it for years. The German signed in content as he moved further up the bed to face Russia's face.

Something he could get lost in for years.

"Well what is it?" Russia asked, placing a kiss on the smaller nose in front of him.

"Hm?" Germany asked, his eyes closing slightly.

"The end?"

"Oh ...
Here comes a chopper,
To chop of your head."

"That's... lovely ..."

Germany giggled, "Yeah,"

"it is..."

"It really is ..."


Words: 786

More fluffy version
The first part was written by Puppet ❤

Anyway hope you enjoyed

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