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The man walked down the street, pulling his hood further over his head as small droplets of rain fell onto his body.

He quickly turns a sharp corner and enters the alleyway. He walked in further but then stopped and smiled. Turning around he saw a slightly taller figure leaning on the wall.

"Took you long enough." The taller figure said as he dropped the cigarette he was holding and crushed it under his shoe

"Sorry. I was... doing things..."

"Mm... Ok..."

"Didn't Ger tell you not to smoke?"

"He did but he's been at work all day. I've been getting impatient when he doesn't get home. It annoys me with how much work that сука gives him."

"Ay! No swearing on my Christian Minecraft server!" The man pointed accusingly at the figure.

"I don't care about your Minecraft server." The figure said with no emotion.

"I still won't forgive you for burning down my wooden 5-story house with pool and stable for my horsies!"

"You blame me but not Germs? He did it as well."

"Yeah but he's Germany!"

"True. True."

"Anyway, do you have it?" The man asked walking closer to the taller figure as the taller pulls a folder out of his jacket. How it fit in there? No one knows.

"Yup. Right here."

"Pass it over."

"Alright small guy."

"Have you looked at it yet?"

"No. Just added my fair share." He man shoved the folder back into the taller figures chest; who opened it and started to read the names.

He paused at one, "Ugh, what did Czechia do this time?"

"The usual." The smaller replied and leaned onto the wall

"I swear, he cannot take a break can he."

"Anyway, what are we going to do?"

"Well I'm going for EU. You go for Czech."

"Don't kill him please."

"I will think about it Ame."

A door opens and the taller figure walks in, rubbing his hands together to remove the rest of the blood.

He could hear shuffling come from the living room and smiles slightly as a smaller figure runs in.

"Russland! Where were you? I was so worried!" Russia laughs as he bends down and picks up his lover.

"I was visiting someone. Why are you home so early?"

"Oh, EU gave me the week of! Isn't that nice of him!"

"Hm... yes... nice..." Russia places his lover back down and cups his cheeks, placing a small kiss on his nose.


"Yes, мой красивый мальчик? (My beautiful baby boy)"

"What is that on your hands?" Germany says pointing at the hands that had recently retreated from his face

"Oh its... um... ketchup...?"

"Why do you have ketchup on your hands?"

"Oh... I was making pizza with America..."

"Really? You never told me you guys were hanging out."

"What? You jealous?"

"No because I know you wouldn't cheat on me. Especially with my foster father." He sticks his tongue out in disgust and the Russian chuckles at the adorable sight. Russia scoops him up once again and places many little kisses on his small face.

Now it was the Germans turn to giggle as he tries to escape the tight grip.

"Russlandddddddd!" Germany whines as Russia's kisses start to travel down to his neck. "Noooooo! Stoppppp!"

Russia giggles and gently places his lover down.

An ominous buzzing sound fills the country's ears and Russia reaches into his pocket. Not even looking at the caller, he knows who it is and answers. While Germany just stands in confusion.

"What do you want?"

"Ummm... Rus? I need your help..."

"Ugh. What happened?" The sound of crying could be hear on the other side of the phone and Russia got immediately concerned. "Ame?"

"Well... um... you see... I kinda... killed Czech..." Russia immediately turns away from Germany and out of the door; to make sure Germany doesn't hear.

"What do you mean you killed him?!" The Russian whisper yelled into the phone. There was another moment of silence before America answered again.

"Yeah... turns out my toy gun... was not a toy..."

"How do you not know the difference between a real gun and a fake one?!"

"Um... Bad luck...? Hehe...." Russia sighed at the stupidity of the American and hung up the call, walking back inside.

When he came back inside, Germany was not there. But what he did notice was a dim light coming from the living room. He slowly walked towards it and looked inside.

Inside was Germany, sitting on the couch, the news playing on the TV. Russia looked towards the TV.

"Czechia is dead." He heard the monotone voice of Germany speak out. Russia went to sit next to Germany, wrapping his arms around him in a side-hug.

"He deserved it-"


Bonus for Fnaduppet

Russia and America enter the elevator, both smiling.

"Well done to us!" The American says as he presses the button for the floor with all the offices on (except for EU's, but they were on that floor now).

"Well done to us." Russia repeated as the elevator doors closed and they descended down the building. It was a short journey of only one floor difference before the doors opened again and they walked through.

All eyes of the EU members turned to them and they walked through the many cubicles looking for the one they were looking for.

When they arrived, they found the small German speaking to Britain and France. America cleared his throat and the three countries attention snapped to them.

The two could see could see Germany's eyes widen as he stood up, "W-"

Britain was quick to place his hands in front of his eyes and France to sit Germany back down.

"Don't worry about it-" Britain says to Germany. France stood up, leaving Germany with Britain, and walked towards the two males. She smacks both on the back of the head and crosses her arms in disapproval. The two groan in pain.

"Why are you two idiots covered in blood!? In front of Germany?!" The French screamed quietly, dragging the two by the ears down the pathway to her office.

"Sorry." America and Russia apologise.


Words: 1051

All of this was Fnaduppet idea. I take no credit for this.

Love youuu

Anyway hope you enjoyed

Auf wiedersehen

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