CHAPTER 6: The Chase

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Kai had gotten used to the pain that darn thing brought to her by now.

"Ooomphffff," huffed Kai upon getting hit by Shitball on her stomach. She picked up the ball and sighed, "what have ever done to you?" and continued to play catch.

The tickets on the box were nowhere to be seen.

Kani's palms were wet with sweat as she took her phone out to call the police. She nervously held the phone to her ear, hearing the ring for a seemingly painful half a minute, before a bored voice picked up the call.

"Hello, this is 911, what's your emergency?"

Kani cleared her throat and spoke, "Hello, umm, we, I mean my friends and I have uncovered a smuggler hideout beside our house and we're in danger," she said, finally looking up to check on her friends.

"Uh-huh, and what's the address?" replied the 911 operator monotonously, obviously not believing a single word.

Bodies were strewn across the courtyard, each one clutching a different body part and moaning in pain. Kani looked at Ara and Kai in disbelief, who were profusely sweating and panting. Meanwhile, Shitball was nowhere to be seen, again. Kani mumbled an apology to the 911 operator and dialed a very different number altogether.

Ara and Kai hi-fived each other, grinning mischievously as if it was a game, and looked at Kani who was talking in a low voice on the phone. Before they could further celebrate their victory, some of the thugs began to stir and were picking up their weapons again. Both the friends sighed and Kai proceeded to pick up some of the other rods strewn around and strode forward with a battle cry.

The remaining thugs shrank in fear away from the seemingly crazy girl before they realised she was actually planning to get to the main door. They quickly recovered from their shock and chased Kai with newfound enthusiasm even after the Shitball assaults.

Ara, on the other hand, was about to join Kai when someone pulled on her hair harshly. She whipped around to see the leader grinning.

She growled, "You *beep*," and grabbed onto his hair, "Take that!"

The leader whined, surprisingly, "That's not fair!" before telling, "Leave my hair!"

"You leave mine first!"

"No, you first!"

The two stayed in a headlock, muttering at each other to leave each other's hair.

Finally, he yelled, "Leave my hair you bitch!"

Ara sighed. She twisted her hair out of his grip and gave a hard kick on the man's crotch, tightening her grip on his hair.

Mr. Leader shrieked, "Ooowwwwwww!" he asked, "what was that for?!"

Ara asked, "What did you just say," with a very calm tone. he replied, "I just said-" and gasped in pain when Ara pulled his hair more harshly.

"What did you say," Ara asked again.

Mr. Leader moaned, "Mmmphhff, nothing, I said nothing,"

Ara just smiled sinisterly, "You did not just call me the B-word," and turned it into a mad grin, "And thought you could get away."


Kiera was absolutely ecstatic.

It had been a while since she'd had to run for her life, and although she had hated it before, she wouldn't deny the fact that she missed the thrill and nerves that came with it.

Kai ran up the staircase. On sneaking a look behind her, she saw only two of the goons following her, while the rest were too injured to climb the stairs. She snickered and ran around the stranded crates and pieces of furniture, throwing things hither and tither to slow down her pursuers.

Hovering above her, it seemed Shitball had decided to follow her instead of Ara. 

'Strange', she thought, 'wasn't this thing trying to win over Ara?'

Disregarding that thought Kai continued to run until she reached a dead end. Not expecting to be stopped, she ended up running into the wall. Regaining her stance she slowly turned to the face two thugs who had finally made to her after running through the mess she made.

Throwing Shitball at one of the thugs, she lunged towards the other and got engaged in a brutal battle throwing punches, kicks and biting as well. By the time Kani and Ara had finished their and gone upstairs, Kai and Shitball had gotten into a bloody mess with Kai still punching the thug with her entire being and Shitball knocking the guts out of the other.

Suddenly, men dressed in black rushed into the room pulled the bruised Kai away from the equally, if not more, bruised thug and dragged him away.

Kai looked at her friends in confusion, "Just who-" 

Kani chewed her lips nervously, "I realized that calling the police would probably get us into trouble as well, that is, if they even believed us, and so, I dialed up the security association owned by my family," 

"They'll take care of the hard stuff. However, for now, I think it's better we go back home. Alex has been sent to the hospital so he'll be fine too," explained Kani as she looked at the wretched state of Ara's hair and clothes and the bloody wounds and swellings all over Kai, who was currently trying to hi-five Shitball.

Ara dragged Kai's tired body towards the main gate as Kani ordered the 20 or so trained fighters around. Both Ara and Kai knew that Kani had a lot of influence, however, it really did feel different seeing her in action.


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