Chapter 12: The ShadyMan™

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Sweat dripped down their faces, lungs burning. Kai was on the verge of a meltdown. "Ara, are we stuck in some twisted prison Pac-Man? This tunnel looks exactly the same!"

Ara scanned the passage, exhaustion seeping into her bones. "Probably. We're lost."

Kai flopped dramatically onto the filthy floor. "Well, fantastic. At least we figured that out now, because frankly, my legs are toast."

Ara shot her a withering look. "Don't sit there, you muppet! That's disgusting." She strained to hear any sign of their pursuers.

Faint echoes of commotion bounced through the tunnel - likely the escaped prisoners causing a welcome distraction.

"Relax," Kai said, gulping. "Those guys should buy us some time."

Suddenly, a hand clamped over Kai's mouth. Ara yanked them both into a shadowy corner. Someone was here.

Footsteps shuffled closer, followed by a drawling voice. "Hiding won't help, ladies. I already know you're here."

Ara's heart hammered. The Captain of the guards. Before she could react, a cold blade pressed against her throat.

"Gotcha," a man smirked, his eyes glinting with amusement like a predator toying with its prey.

Ara took a quick inventory. Lanky, but deceptively strong arms. Red hair peeked from beneath a discarded helmet. An earring mirrored the glint of his eyes. A fiery red mullet flowed down his shoulders, freed from his former soldier's vest. He seemed relaxed, almost playful, but the grip on the sword was a different story.

He was undeniably attractive. (Great, Ara thought, this is just what I need right now.)

His gaze locked with hers, intense and calculating. Before he could decipher her next move, Ara launched a surprise attack - a swift kick to a very sensitive area.

He doubled over with a grunt, momentarily stunned. Ara capitalized on his lapse, throwing him into a chokehold. He could easily break free, but for some reason, he didn't.

"Get a room, lovebirds!" Kai snickered, oblivious to the tension.

Snapping back to reality, Ara tightened her grip. "Shut up, Kai! This is serious."

"Okay, okay, truce!" The red-haired man wheezed, raising his hands in surrender. "Easy there, I'm not the Captain. Just... pretending. I'm here to bust out my crew. You two on the same mission, by any chance?"

Ara narrowed her eyes. "Doesn't matter who you are, pretty boy. We have bigger problems." She glanced back down the tunnel, anxiety gnawing at her.

Kai chimed in, ever the optimist, "So, should we, like, shank him?" Her eyes darted around, searching for a non-existent weapon.
"W'what?" Red Boy croaked out with an awkward laugh while Ara gave Kai a horrified, incredulous stare.

Red Boy's awkward laugh died in his throat as Ara shot him a look that could curdle milk. "Silence him? Kai, what are you reading these days? Also, you should probably get away from all the violence you watch daily on TV."

Kai, unfazed, shrugged. "Hey, it works in the stories!"

"More like horror movies," Ara muttered, rolling her eyes.

Before their bickering could escalate, Red Boy, or whoever he was, spoke up. "Look, I wouldn't want to be knocked out either, you know."

"We didn't ask!" both Kai and Ara yelled.

"Alright, alright, let's just say... you're not exactly the best at hostage situations." He smirked, a plan forming in his head. "Besides, you're lost, right?"

They glared at him, speechless.

"Fine," he sighed, then did something unexpected. With a dancer's grace, he twisted his body, effortlessly switching positions, so Ara found herself cradled in his arms. Before she could protest, his face was inches from hers.

"Now that this isn't a hostage situation anymore," he said with a charming grin, "how about we make a deal?"


"I think you should put her down."

"I don't necessarily see anything wrong in here, Kai. What could you be talking about?"

"Ara looks dead in your arms."

"She'll be fine."

"You look like a clown."

"You are a clown."

"We're both clowns."

"Fair enough"

Ara figured Ryuu and Kai were very similar.

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