CHAPTER 4: The Ball *again*

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Bright sunlight shone through the curtains of Kai's room, bathing all objects in its golden light. All was peaceful. 


"AAARRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHH AGAIN!" screeched Kai for the second morning in a row. 

Kai had been peacefully slumbering and enjoying her dreams about Levi Ackerman when the ball had suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started to assault her back. 

For god's sake. She'd even locked her windows.


It continued hitting her back.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOUUUUUUUUUU," Kai screamed before throwing her bed covers and looking up to find the damned thing.

The ball hovered in the air for a few seconds before flying out of the room through the door. Kai lunged with a mad screech from the bed and ran after the ball, hands outstretched to catch it.


Kani did not have a good night.

She'd tossed and turned all night long, plagued by dreams she couldn't remember.

Well, at least her cereal was one good thing that morning.

Kani sat down for breakfast and was about to put a spoonful of Cocopops in her mouth when three screeches in succession were heard from the upper floor. Startled, she dropped her spoon.

Rubbing her head, she controlled her urge to go and give a piece of her mind to the ruffian on the top floor. She sighed and was trying to clean up the mess when another screech was heard.

Kani lifted her gaze to the stairs and expected Kai to stomp into the dining room for breakfast.

Something did, and it wasn't Kai.

Kani watched the havoc unfold in slow-motion. The ball, that damned metal junk, was somehow inside their house, again, and was approaching her at lightning speed. And it was cackling. Like mad.

There's a ball flying an cackling  in my house, am I mad?

It whooshed towards Kani and changed its direction at the last moment towards her cereal bowl. 

Oh no, thought Kani, moments before she was bathed in the remnants of her late beloved breakfast.

She didn't have a good morning either.


The morning light glazed over the ceiling of Ara's room. The birds chirped outside her window and a gentle breeze settled into the room through the open window. It was peaceful, well, as peaceful as it could get with a charmed ball, a really pissed cereal lover, and a Kai on the loose.

Ara lay in her bed and sighed for the umpteenth time, her body and mind tired from the lack of sleep. She could blame the ball if she wanted but knew that it was far from the truth.

She remembered her mother's voice-mail from last night. And her brother's too.

".....disrespecting your family like this, with no care for our reputation, is this the kind of upbringing we gave to you?"

"I told you so many times to learn from Kisung, but no, you wanted to study whatever worthless subjects you want.......leaving your own family, for a bunch of rich, wild cats...."

She'd laughed. At least her mother had got that part right, albeit after six months.

And counting, she thought.

Kisung was an entirely different matter, altogether.

"......Appa respects your decision but it has been six months, Ara......Eomma hasn't been the most supportive person but at least come back for me,"

Infuriating jackass. Of course, one would expect that from a person having everything cut out for him. Life, Love, and Family. Kisung, the shining gem of the Lee family.

While, Ara, the ugly, lazy duckling.

And that's why no one could blame her for staying awake the whole night, completing holiday projects. Anything to keep away those thoughts. And those people.

She had surprised herself too. 

I deserve a really long holiday, she thought, to the magical realm of sleep.

Ara rubbed her face and listened to another round of Kani scolding Kai, and Kai shouting about how she would sue the ball.

She sighed, "It's too early for this,"

Meanwhile, the said ball cuddled against her side. 

It had flown in minutes ago when Ara was thinking about getting up, making cat noises of satisfaction, again.

She couldn't understand why this piece of metal was trying so hard to impress her and assault her other two friends.

"Do you want anything from me? Usually, people, and balls, I'm guessing," she added seeing the orb darken, "try to impress others when they want something," she asked suspiciously.

The ball said nothing and tried to enter into Ara's blanket. 

"Oh no, you don't, no one touches my bed, or blankets" she chided and caught it, "We are going to have a talk, you and I, outside, with the others," she smiled darkly.

The ball let out a sigh of defeat, creepily matching Ara's own, and glowed grey.

I think I have finally lost it, I'm talking to a ball.

Ara marched outside with the ball in her hands and entered the living room.

A sheepish Kani and an equally tired Kai lay on the sofa. Upon seeing the ball in Ara's hands, Kai let out a growl and reached out to snatch it. The ball glowed orange, letting out another growl of its own, and flew out of Ara's hands. It bumped onto Kai's head and howled like a wolf, before hiding behind Ara.

Ara sighed, "You," she pointed to Kai, "were talking about bombs,"

"YES, I WAS," Kai smiled menacingly at the ball now hovering over the coffee table. 

"I sometimes do wonder what goes on in your brains, and why," chuckled Kani joining her friends, and turned around to face the ball.

Upon seeing the three humans glaring at it, the ball finally let out a whimper.


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