CHAPTER 3: The Ball

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Images dissolved and resurfaced. No thought remained constant, everything was in chaos.

' ".....Fly away little dandelion. Go far away from this place. Tell me about all you see on the way there. Maybe someday I'll follow you too. Maybe you'll end up here again, who knows..." '

' "....But how will I come back to you...." '

' "...Just follow the ac...ns.., they'll bring you to me..." '

' "" '

' "...Fae never tell their names...but you can call me D.....res...s..." '


' "...Don't forget me little one....." '


' "...d...and.....i...lo...." '

' "Hello little butter-" '

"-HOLY MOTHER OF COWS!  EURRKK!" shrieked Kai, clutching her stomach and falling out of her bed.

She looked around, rubbing her stomach which felt like it had been hit by a bulldozer.

A ball suddenly flung upwards by itself from the foot of her bed and hurled towards her.

"Oh no, you don't!" shouted Kai, "I knew you were suspicious the moment you disappeared from my hands yesterday!" and she dodged the ball.

The ball froze midair and let out an amazing imitation of human exasperation. Kai's mouth fell open.


The door suddenly burst open and a disheveled Ara entered, "Yah! Why are you shouting sooo-"

The ball that had frozen midair in front of Kai suddenly zoomed towards Ara and fell to her feet.

Ara looked at the floor with bleary, tired eyes and then turned to Kai.

"Are we both high?"


"So," said a tired Kani, "I thought yesterday was a dream."

The three girls sat around the dining table, each one jerking alert at the slight movements of the object kept in the middle.

"Me too," agreed Ara, nodding.

"Me not," broke in Kai, "especially that ball part," she shuddered, "It hit me in the stomach so hard this morning, I thought I actually shit my pants."

The said ball sat in the middle of the table, secured inside a large pot with a rope. Giving out bright flashes from time to time, the white globe seemed to be aware of its captive state.

"The question is," calmly said Kani, "What are going to do with it?"

After it had fallen at her feet in the morning, the ball had the audacity to rub itself onto Ara's pajamas, and purr like a cat. It wasn't just a ball anymore. And it wasn't a cat either. Although if it had been the latter, she might just have tried to defend it.

Defend what? Goodness gracious, I am really drunk. Drunk on lack of sleep.

"I think we should just throw it away," started Ara, when Kai suddenly banged her fists on the table.


Kani raised her brows. Ara snorted.

And Kai continued, "See sis if we don' get rid of this lil' shit, I'll get bombarded every day in the stomach. Which will cause me to shit extra, right? And even if we throw it away, it's gonna keep coming back as you can see. Also, what if it suddenly appeared covered in dirt on our couch or beds?" she shuddered, "So, this is exactly why we need to bomb this bastard!"

Kai finished with a smile.

"Uh, I have a question, Kai-" started Kani again, but was this time cut off by Ara, who was jerked awake by the passionate speech that had just been delivered by Kai.

"FIRST, OF ALL THAT RUBBISH YOU JUST SAID, we don't have a bomb," she rasped, "And second, we need one for what you want to do,"

Kai smugly said, "Remember that blondie next door? He's part of the black market," she whispered with a dark smirk on her face, "and, he trades weapons and bombs,"

Kani looked at Kai with suspicion, "Wait a minute, exactly why do you know about it?"

"Err, let's keep that story for some other day. Anyway, my point here is that I can get him to give me a bomb, maybe with a discount even, so we should totally bomb it-"

The white globe flared red all of a sudden.

"-or not."

The ball had now started vibrating ominously.

"Oh no you don't-," calmly picking the now glowing red ball Kai walked towards the windows. 

"No, WAIT, Kai, I don't think you should do this, you're gonna end up hitting someone, or something" panicked Kani, as she saw her friend make her way to the window. She hissed at Ara, "Stop her!"

"This is interesting and I am lazy," pointed out Ara, causing Kani to want to smack her own face.

Kai made her way to the window with the glowing orb in her hand that looked like it was gonna burst anytime soon.


Swinging her arm as hard as she could, Kai shot the ball over the walls of their backyard and into the woods.

"KAI, NOOO!" shrieked Kani, while Ara watched bemused. 

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