Chapter 14: Panic! On the Ship

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"Theatrics, as usual," Lucius huffed as he walked out to see what the fuss was about, his voice laced with disdain as he eyed the flamboyant captain. "Can't the man accomplish anything without a spectacle?"

"A question we all ponder, your Lordship," the turquoise-haired man, Den, replied with a wry smile. He straightened his posture, readying himself for the unpleasant task ahead.

"Enough of this," Lucius barked, his patience at an end. "Fetch him." The cabin door slammed shut behind him, leaving Den alone with a sigh. Squaring his shoulders and forcing a steely glint into his eyes, he descended upon the captain - currently writhing in a display of exaggerated pain on the deck. "Captain," Den said with forced severity, "Lord Lucius requests your presence... immediately."


"SHUT HIM UP!" Ara shrieked. Every soul aboard the ship, from seasoned sailors to scurvy rats, flinched at the sound. The "him" in question, Ryuu, had just wriggled free from her grasp, emitting a wet-sock squeak of defiance.

"Wait, what? Do I stab him?!" Kai panicked, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and morbid curiosity.

"NO!" Ara roared, exasperated. "This isn't some barbaric ritual, Kai! We don't go around stabbing people!"

"Yeah, so how do we shut him up?!" Kai whined, throwing her hands up in frustration.

"Well, excuse me!" The man himself spoke up, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Seems a little excessive, wouldn't you say?"

Ara, speechless for a moment, finally found her voice. "Could you STOP WRIGGLING, YOU MONKEY?!" she shrieked, grabbing onto his tunic with the desperate tenacity of a drowning sailor clinging to a life raft.

The captain, clearly a charmer, flashed his disarming smile yet again. "A very handsome monkey, methinks," he quipped, earning a withering glare from Ara.

"Umm, no," the man replied, a mischievous glint in his eye. "But this is my ship, and I am the captain, so-"

"Excuse me," Kai interrupted, her excitement bubbling over. "You're the captain?!"

"That's me!" Ryuu roared in pride. He was about to launch into a captainly diatribe when Ara cut him off.

"Can you stop with the show-off every five seconds? It's getting old!" she said, rolling her eyes so hard they threatened to detach from their sockets.

Suddenly, a booming voice cut through the air. "CAPTAIN!" Den straightened like a ramrod, a picture of dignified servitude. "Summoned by Master Lucius," he announced, his voice laced with a hint of disdain. He cast a disapproving glance at Ara and Kai before adding, "And you may not bring your human pets on board."

"PETS?!" Ara bristled, her lips curling into a snarl. "We are no one's pets!"

Den cleared his throat, his voice dripping with condescension. "Well, captain, you've chosen very rude pets who prattle on in the presence of their masters."

Ryuu, the captain, laughed nervously. "Umm," he stammered, glancing back at his two "pets".

"You should really discipline them into submission," Den continued. "Such behavior will be shunned in polite society."

Ryuu, ever the smooth operator, jumped onto the deck with feline grace. "Shut up for one second, my dear Den," he said, playfully clamping a hand over the old man's mouth. "Otherwise, my pets will tear you into shreds."

Den, unfazed, simply let out an elegant giggle. "What can these humans do to me?" he scoffed.

Ara, never one to back down from a challenge, smirked. "Oh, nothing at all, Dennishole," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Before Den could even react, Kai, fueled by ancient swear words from a mysterious book, launched herself at him like a furry missile.

Chaos erupted. Den, the picture of perfect hair moments ago, now resembled a dandelion gone to seed as Kai gleefully assaulted his meticulously styled coif.

"WE!" she roared, pulling his hair to the north.

"ARE!" came from the east.

"NOT!" echoed from the west.

"RED!" she shrieked southwards.

"HAIRY'S!" she finished with a triumphant flourish to the southwest.

Ara cheered from the sidelines, attempting a daring (and frankly, ill-advised) leap onto the ship. "Give him a punch from my side as well!" she yelled.

Just as Kai prepared to deliver the final blow, a new threat emerged. A white-haired man, radiating an aura of barely contained rage, materialized behind Kai. With a flick of his wrist, he lifted her clean off the ground, her throat constricting with every passing second.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" he bellowed, his voice laced with fury. This newcomer, Lucius, looked even more unpleasant than the prissy butler.

Ara, her heart pounding in her chest, knew it was time to act. With a burst of power that surprised even herself, she slammed into Lucius, sending him sprawling onto the deck. Seizing the opportunity, she grabbed his collar and roared, "Get your hands off my friend, grandma!"

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