Chapter 8: The Escape

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Kai was on her way for a dump in the restroom when she felt her stomach starting to vibrate harshly, and she clutched her abdomen. The people in the other seats perked up on hearing her muffled cries. Shitball was convulsing ominously, hurting her already exposed bare stomach. Kai tried her best to assure them that she was okay, when one of the passengers called the crew. Hearing the commotion happening at the back and worried, Kani and Ara ran towards their friend when they saw the mini crowd forming.

"Hey, someone call the crew!"

"Is there a doctor on board?"

Multiple voices surrounded Kai, each a different noise. Gods, this is not the right time to be having a panic attack, she thought deliriously. Kani quickly grabbed onto her friend as soon as she saw sweat forming on Kai's brows, her body shaking. 

"Kai, hey, are you okay?"


Worried, Kani looked over at Ara and shook her head in a plea to come up with an idea. Ara nodded and shouted as loud as she could, "WE NEED TO LAND THE PLANE ! OUR FRIEND IS GOING INTO LABOUR!!"

A cloud of silence descended upon everyone. The crew members directed everyone to keep calm and stick to their seats. Ara, praying to god for the umpteenth time that day, whispered to Kai, "Hey, keep your shit together you hear me?" 

Upon seeing Kai nod weakly, so unusual for her, she continued, "Act like you're stomach is paining alright? And breath,"

Kani helped Kai count her breaths until Kai could open her eyes enough to notice her surroundings while hearing non-existent voices. Meanwhile, the crew asked Ara if they really had to land the plane, and as if on cue heard a scream from Kai, who clutched her stomach and yelled again, "MY BABY IS COMING OOOUT!"

Kani and Ara glanced over at Kai in shock, who gave them a weak wink and continued moaning.

Ara, confused if she should be relieved out of her wits or concerned, just shrugged at the crew.

And so, the plane to Cheesneyland, landed.


As soon as the plane touched down back at the airport, Kani, Ara and Kai were transported by a special vehicle to the emergency services building of the airport. The three friends definitely did not want Kai to undergo a surgery to give birth, and so they improvised their 'plan' a bit. 

Maybe not just a 'bit'.

"Please wait here, we'll take Ms. Parker into the ward," the nurse started to direct the hospital bed into ICU ward. Kani and Ara panicked at hearing this. The whole way they had been too worried about escaping to actually plan an escape. 

Suddenly, Kani began to discuss the whole procedure with the nurse while Ara glanced behind her to check on Kai. 

Kai, who wasn't there on the hospital bed.

 Eyes widening, Ara looked around and saw Kai behind the hallway vase hurriedly signaling her to, wait what, oh no, she's telling us to run and wait is that Shitball floating?

Grabbing onto Kani's hands, Ara took off in the direction of the hospital entrance. 

"LET'S GOOOOO," screeched Kai while joining them in the dash for the door, and Kani smiled in spite of the ridiculousness of the situation. At least they were together.

The hospital staff stood in a daze as they saw the three girls and a ball floating in the air run towards exit. Someone screamed and the security guards suddenly jerked out of their weird trance and ran after the three girls. But it was of no use, as they had already ran out of the building into the woods a distance from the hospital. They followed them till they reached its peripheries.

"Are they idiots?" One of the security guards asked the others. The others shook their heads, "I doubt they realized that's the haunted forest, or even knew of it in the first place," And watched as they disappeared into the forest, a certain dual eye colored idiot even waving a goodbye back at them.

"I take back what I said about them being idiots," The first guard said, "They are mental."

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