Chapter Three

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Recap: “I am from here, but I have just left my parents house to start a new life you know how it is” I tried to say it lightly as if it wasn’t a big deal, but I am not sure how I sounded as he became serious and worried.

I continued looking at his reaction, his face showed many different emotions, I never observed anyone closely, but now that I did, I found that your face could show all your emotions, that’s if you weren’t guarding them. He looked surprised, then worried, and then finally settled into a tight smile.

“And why is such a pretty girl like you all alone? Do you not have any friends who you could crash with while you sorted stuff out? Why have you left your house though, sorry I am bombarding you with questions but you seemed like a really nice girl to be out alone, so there must be a big reason, right?”

His curiosity unnerved me, why would a stranger be so interested? Even though he was very good looking and I wanted a new friend, I wasn’t so naive to take people at face value, I had been through a lot and that makes a girl doubt herself and everyone around her.  

“Well as they say shit happens” I laughed awkwardly, I hope he didn’t notice how nervous I was. It was my chance to start fresh and I didn’t want my past coming in the way. I decided to forget everything in the past and move forward, without any baggage.

“I don’t want to talk about it, so let’s talk about you, what made you move into such a small town? I mean London is huge you could have gone anywhere from there, so why here?” I continued, trying to get the attention away from me. I was also trying to find out more about him.

He gave me his special dimpled smile; “Well as I said I wanted to start fresh at a smaller place, start my business from scratch you see.” His eyes lit up suddenly, as if he just had a great idea, “Hey you are alone here and so am I, I think we should start our new lives together, I am going to look for a flat to rent and you could come with me and we could find a place together? What say? It would be cheaper with 2 people and we could use each other’s support”

He seemed very excited at the idea, with a huge smile on his face, it looked so genuine that I didn’t have the heart to refuse his offer, it couldn’t be so bad could it? It couldn’t be as bad as my old house, my parents....I shuddered at the thought, a flat would be cheaper then living at a motel and it would be more homely, I had always wanted a homely home, a warm and welcoming home to go to at the end of the day, a place where you could relax.

“Hmmmm...” I thought before answering, I didn’t want to look too eager “That is a good idea but I don’t even know you, plus you don’t even know my name yet. But I could go with you to take a look if you want” His face relaxed, he had been worried about my answer.

“Taking as you have reminded me, what is your name?”

“Rina Cottrell” I replied. “Would you like to go now?” I asked politely, it was only 4pm now so we had enough time before it went dark. Since it was August now, so the sun set really late.

Jack’s dark hair shone as he turned towards the window to look outside, “Seeing as the weather is looking good, I think we should go now, do you want to go freshen up before you go? I could meet you at the lobby in 15 minutes?” He questioned with a glint in his eyes,“Or is that less for you? I know what you girls are like.” He smirked.

“No that’s perfect, I am not the usual girl you meet” I smirked back, that would show him, I expected him to start flirting soon, looking at how quick he had gotten comfortable with me, I knew he would start teasing me soon.

I excused myself and quickly went to my room to get changed, what I had walked out of my house wasn’t suitable to be seen outside with. I opened my new wardrobe, picked out some black skinny jeans and a long blue flowery top. I wore it in haste and put some light make up on. I grabbed my black pumps and my purse. It had just been 12 minutes since I had came to my room, I rushed downstairs, Jack wasn’t here yet, I gleamed with happiness at beating his expectation about ‘what girls are like’.

I was lost in a one-sided conversation when I got poked from behind, I jumped and turned around. There was nobody around, I got a nudge from my left and there stood Jack grinning like a child. He looked very cute; it was as if he was ecstatic that he had gotten me by surprise.

“Oh ha-ha, very funny!” I huffed.

He stopped grinning “It was.” He chuckled instead.

“Do you want to go or you just want to stand here staring at me?” I shot back.

I walked towards the front door and as expected he followed me.

 “My car is in the car park, this way” He pointed towards the side opening that had a sign saying ‘Car Park’.  I hadn’t expected him to have a car, which meant he was a fairly stable income to maintain a car. We walked in silence for awhile until we reached a blue convertible Ford Focus, the car bleeped; surprising me.

We drove in silence, wherever we were going. Since I didn’t know this town well, I could only look around the places we were passing, the different buildings going past in a flash. I grabbed hold of the door handle to stop myself bashing my head on the dashboard as Jack turned right at such a high speed.

“What the!” I swore internally. “Sorry” Jack mumbled as he continued driving at high speed. I had never learned to drive as Dad didn’t want me to get in danger, he had always been over protective of me, I had no boyfriends, no close friends because he didn’t trust anybody with me. The only person he trusted was Mike Goddell who was the only person from school that my Dad agreed was ‘safe’ to spend time with. As if everyone else would kill me!

Arrghhh it always annoyed me as how i was only allowed to catch lifts with Mike, not that I talked with him though, he was the only person my Dad accepted but also the only one I didn’t want to talk to. He always had this air of danger around him, didn’t talk much and always stared at me where ever I was. He had always confused me, I mean what was up with him! I never asked because I felt my ignorance was probably better then the truth that I wouldn’t be able to bear.

But now when I thought about it, I wondered what it was that was hidden from me, why Dad had lied about me being their child, why Mom did what she did.....

“We are here” Jacks quiet voice interrupted my thoughts; I looked around me and saw the car had stopped in front of a 3 storey house, which held the said apartment. Jacks company was so much better then Mikes.

We rang the bell and a tall suited gentleman opened the door, he had a small smile on his face, which made him look friendly. Jack greeted him as Mr Mayan. He had light brown hair, which made him look younger then I had expected him to be. His hazel eyes glanced at me and I responded with a smile and I ‘Hi’.

We walked in and were given permission to take a look at the flat. The stairs were directly in the front of the front door, after the long hallway, which held 2 door either side of it. One said 1A and the other 1B. We were shown into 1B, it had a fairly large living room with 2 bedrooms, kitchen and one bathroom. One! I had been hoping that it would have an en-suite bathroom so i wouldn’t have to share with Jack, even if i felt comfortable with him, as if i had known him all my life.

Copyright © 2013

Authors Note (AN): I hope everyone is enjoying reading the stoory, pop me a comment if not and I would try to accomodate your wishes. Please vote if you like it so I woould be motivated in upladed quicker and longer chapters.....

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