Chapter Five

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I groaned. He was so bossy.

I shuffled out of bed and quickly showered, I was so sweaty. I got ready and was out the door in the record time of 20 minutes, I could shower in 10 minutes if I put my mind on it, but guess now i would have to make that my habit as i was going to be sharing a bathroom with Jack. 

Chapter 5

Jack was sitting patiently at our table in the diner, meaning the one where we first met, when he looked up and saw me approaching, I could tell he was happy to see me. His eyes lit up and a cute smile lit up his face. Yes I like his smile and that’s all there is. I didn’t let my thoughts wander to give me any other ideas as I didn’t want to get involved too much with anyone after the drama I had gone through.

I just cannot trust anyone who would be able to break my heart. The two closest people who I had trusted, they left my heart in a sorry state; it was hardly even called a heart anymore.

I sat opposite Jack, “Good Morning Mister, are you always this punctual or was this a one off?” I smiled at him, it felt nice to tease somebody other than to get teased.

He gave me another one of his flirty smiles, “No it’s a special occasion, new house new life. I have ordered breakfast for you.”

It seemed like we were childhood friends with the way he was looking after me and keeping a smile on my face.

“And what if I don’t like what you ordered?” I played along.

“Don’t worry darling, you will love it” He smirked at me, confident that I would. Ha! I won’t let him think that he knows me that well.

“I don’t think so, how can you be so sure of yourself?”

“Oh I know you well enough Ree, you have a sweet tooth and I am sure you will love pancakes with maple syrup” Ree was now his new name for me, he wanted a special name that only he could call me. It was special alright, but I was scared he might become too special in my mind. He was becoming dangerously close to me for my liking.

Before I could reply, I smelt my breakfast, yesterdays receptionist, Lynda was serving today. She worked in the diner as well as a receptionist. I had gotten talking to her before and she lived here too. She was very warm towards all tourists and others alike. She seemed like she would be a good mother, how lucky her kids are. I was going into my sadness again, but Jack didn’t let me.

“Hey I know my choice is good, but starring at the pancakes won’t make you eat them you know, you have to put some effort to get them in your mouth but don’t worry I can give you some help” I looked up to see a fork-full of pancake with lots of maple syrup on it.

“Ahhh” He prompted me to open my mouth and I involuntarily did. It seemed so intimate, in movies only a lover would do that or somebody close, which I was neither unfortunately. ‘Stop stop stop, don’t even go there Rina, you know how it would end,’ I scolded myself.

I ate my morsel in bliss; it was a tatotally different feeling to eat pancakes from somebody else’s hand.

Jack was still smirking, thinking he had left me speechless.

“Jack I don’t like pancakes you know, it was so hard for me to finish that morsel!”  I scolded him after mock gulping it down and making a disgusted face.

He looked upset and apologetic. “I am sorry, but who doesn’t like pancakes? It’s always a safe bet to order pancakes for breakfast for a pretty lady like you.” He gave me a flirty smile again, trying to ease me into agreeing that it was a good option. But I was enjoying making him uncomfortable.

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