Chapter Thirteen

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“Everything would be fine. Rina, this is normal in your circumstances.” Mike tried to reassure me, i wasn’t even sure why he was saying that. Did he know what was happening with me? How was this normal. And in what ‘circumstances’ was he talking about?

“Mike, care to elaborate?”

“Ermm Rina, remember when I said, you got to trust me with this. I will tell you everything when you turn 18. You have to bare with me till then.”

I recalled the conversation we had about 2 weeks ago, when he had first arrived.

“Rina they weren’t lies, they were for your protection. You have to be able to trust me for while, you need to be able to allow me to protect you. Just until your 18th birthday. You need to forget everything till then. I promise everything will become clear. Until then trust me.”

Sorry for the late upload, I never set myself targets, just try and upload something as I get time. I hope I am not losing readers due to this. Maybe I should start letting you know when I should next upload? Do tell me how you would like it to be, afterall you are the ones reading it.

So heres the next chapter.

Chapter 13

The cold air blew on my face as the Ferris wheel reached its optimal height. Mike squeezed my hand; I glanced down at our clasped hands and looked up at his shut eyes. It was so cute that he was scared of heights. He had tried to act strong when I suggested going on the Ferris wheel and now he was being scared.

One of his eyes opened, checking to see if we had arrived back to the ground. He squeezed his eye shut quickly. A giggle escaped my lips.

“Its not funny!” Mike grunted with his eyes still squeezed shut.

Jack was waiting for us near the exit; it had been his idea to get Mike on the ride. He and I both knew Mike was scared of heights. Maybe we shouldn’t be torturing Mike like this. As soon as this thought flipped through my mind, another idea came to me.

I would pretend we reached the ground so he would open his eyes fully and see how beautiful the fair looked from here. But I will have to take my time as he has just confirmed we were still high up.  

The Ferris wheel moved slowly downwards. Just a little bit more and I will pull him and try to get off, he would definitely open his eyes then.

‘Mike we are nearly down, don’t worry. Stop being such a wuss!’ He was no fun, he wouldn’t allow me to go to any of the fast rides. He was being too over-protective and maybe just a tad bit silly. It’s not as if I will hurt myself on these rides. So this was my revenge from him. Afterall he should realise its not scary, unless it backfires on me and he gets too scared? Either way it would be worth it.

As the Ferris wheel moved another few inches, I tugged on the hand Mike was holding and stood up.

“We are here Mike; let’s go to that ride across here.” Mike stood up and the whole cabin moved with the sudden movement.

“Woahh!” Mike stumbled back on the seat and cowered, pulling me back down on the seats and hid behind my back, trying to cover his eyes.

I giggled, it was so funny seeing him scared, he had never shown emotion. But now slowly he was opening up. But him being scared of something was just so funny. My macho man was a scared of heights.

Wait what? MY macho man? Since when was he mine?

“Rinabelle, you are a very mean girl!” He tried scolding me, tried being the key word. His voice was small and shook at little.

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