Chapter Seven

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  • Dedicated to Aneesa Ali

Heres the next chapter, Hope you all like it.

This starts in Miks POV and ends with Jacks POV. I wanted to get both their motives across so its clearer about who each of them is. 

Chapter 7

Mikes POV

Rinabelle’s diary had got me thinking about where she could have gone when she was feeling like that, where would I go if I had found out I was adopted? My world would obviously be turned upside down. I was a hot-headed guy; I wouldn’t have waited as long as she had done to take a step. I would have been gone right after that jerk had said what he had said to her.

Why did she wait this long? I mean 3 months is a long time if you are that upset. I can’t believe how much she has gone through. Clare couldn’t even do her job properly; she has hurt Rina really badly with her actions.

My mind starting recalling the moment when Dad had given me his responsibility

He was lying on the porch of our mansion; with his eyes closed. He had an arrow wedged in his chest, all of his shirt soaked with his blood. His face was dripping with sweat, his wings lifeless behind him. His abrupt knocking had brought me to the door, and what I saw stopped my heart beating for a few seconds. I just stared at him not knowing what to do, how to save him.

“Dad...Dad, how did this happen? What can I do to stop the bleeding? Tell me Dad. Speak up please” After those few agonising moments, he slowly opened his eyes.

I breathed again.

“Son, listen to me before you speak anything. I don’t have much time. Remember the secret mission we were here for? The reason we had left the Fairy World? I hadn’t told you because King Richard had said to not tell anyone until it was completed, now there are only a couple of months now. I won’t be able to complete it so you will have to step in for me.

King Richard had given me the task of looking after his daughter, the sole princess of the Fairy World. She was removed from the kingdom in the fear or being killed by the Rebels. She had to be returned to the Kingdom before she turns to eighteen. I was the royal guard to him as he knew I had been loyal to him for two decades, he only trusted me. Rinabelle has been blended into the Human World to hide her real identity.

Now you will have to fulfil the promise I gave to the King, You would have to take Rinabelle back. Everything is noted in my diary which is in my coat pocket.

Take care of yourself and Rinabelle Mike. Make sure you don’t get played by the Rebels, they are extremely clever.

Good Bye Son.”

His last breath left him, his wings slowly disintegrated. Then his body slowly disappeared and all that was left of him was sparkle on the porch. The sparkle that I still kept with me as a memory, as a token of who he was. Of my Dad.

And with that he had left a huge burden on me, a huge responsibility that I haven’t been able to fulfil. That I had failed.

I stopped my pacing and sat on my bed in my room. The huge mansion was so eerie, so still.

My mind just kept going in circles, my thoughts so jumbled up. I tried to geteverything in focus, tried to find a clue. Anything that would lead me to the rightdirection.

If I had been 18, I would have been a fairy and gotten all the skills that came with it, but I hadn’t so I was left with manual skills. I could not trace her location or where she was by teleportation. I couldn’t even read minds yet, and that was supposed to slowly develop after you turn 17.


Back to the point at hand, what did I have that could lead me to Rina? Now that I had stayed with her, known her, I felt I could trace her steps. Find a route she could have taken.

I knew she wouldn’t run to anywhere close to her house in the fear of being found. She couldn’t have left the city either as she didn’t have any money. Her parents didn’t give her much pocket money and she didn’t work either. So she would have been left with one option: go to the furthest place available by bus.

I rushed out of my house and got into my car. I drove to her house in Sunningwell. I had remembered that there was a bus top opposite her house that went out the city, right at the edge of Oxford. The furthest any bus goes from town. She probably used that bus to get as far as possible from all the hurt she went through.

I waited for the bus and hopped on. It took a whole hour to reach Kidlington. As far as I knew that town was a bigger town then Sunningwell. It was very modern and happening.

If she went there she will definitely attract lots of attention from the charming men that ruled the place. The thought made me mad, I always stopped guys getting close to her, to stop her getting hurt. I was overly protective of her. It came with looking after her and getting to know her. I would kill any guy that even looked at her!!!

I got off the bus and started walking in any random direction. I tried to think like Rina, where would she go? She was very systematic, always going with what her mind thought was best. I knew she would find a place that was comfortable and cheap. She would then find a job to support herself. She was also very arrogant when it came to proving herself, she would do whatever it takes and not back down. She would do it, I trusted her.

I saw lots of hotels and big scale apartments, I knew that not where she would go.

I looked and looked.

I couldn’t find anywhere she would go.

I had even asked but no luck.

Where could she be? I kept thinking and kept looking.

I arrived back to the bus stop again and this time went in the other direction then before. This area was a less build up area, even though it wasn’t a poor area. It was well developed but the streets were narrowing, a very subtle difference.

I carried on walking, looking around, for any clue. Keeping her feelings in mind. What she would be feeling while she was walking. That was the best way to find out. That’s how detectives worked.

Jack’s POV

I had trapped Rinabelle, like my boss told me to. She was so trusting. So pretty too. It would be fun to get close to her. She already had my body heating up; it would be amazing when I kissed her. She was perfect. If only I had found her without my boss sending me here. She was made for me. I could do anything for her.

My phone rang.


“Jack, have you found that princess yet!?”

“Yes Sir”

“Make sure she isn’t harmed, she is very useful for us”

“Yes sir, don’t worry sir. I wouldn’t even touch her” I thought internally, ‘As if, I couldn’t even keep my hands off her.’

“I will give you the time and date to bring her to me, make sure nobody knows who she is. And also earn her trust so she would choose you over that Mike. He is looking for her everywhere. Do whatever it takes. I mean whatever. Got it.”

“Yes sir. I’ll keep that in mind”

He hung up after hearing my response. He was so uptight. I had to find out his motive before I handed Rina to him. What if he hurt her? I wouldn’t allow that. 

AN: Let me know what you think. Shall I add more or does this cover everything?

Let me know if you want me to add discription of what both of them look like?





Copyright © 2013

All work is property of thegirlalone

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