Chapter Six

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  • Dedicated to Sabrina Moied

Heres the new chapiee, let me know what you think. Hope it clears up some issues about Mike.

This chapter starts in Mikes POV as many people wanted to know who he was and what was going on between him and Rina

Chapter 6

 ‘Where could she have gone, if something happens to her how would I answer to King Richard. I would have broken the promise my Dad gave to him. I am such a disgrace’ I was talking to myself while trying to figure out what to do. My Dad had given me the responsibility when he died, now it was up to me to get Rinabelle back to Fairy World before her 18th birthday. Before, she had to be presented as the Heir to the Throne.

She was so naive; she wouldn’t know who to trust and she could be taken benefit of if I was not careful. Many Rebels had left the Fairy World so it was still dangerous for her out here in the Human World.

I recalled how she couldn’t stand up to herself after what Joshua had said to her, had that made her run away? Even her own caretakers, Mark and Clare didn’t know she was gone until 2 days later. They had not fulfilled their responsibility well; even they now knew they were in big trouble. Her phone was still in her room. Her clothes were gone.

What had happened to make her take that step?’ I asked myself that question for the millionth time. But most importantly how was I going to find her? For that I would have to meet to question Mark and Clare.

‘Wait wait, I remember Joshua saying something about her being adopted to her, maybe that’s why she felt the need to escape? Or maybe it was the rumour about Clare breaking Joshua’s family, why could she do that?’ I went round in circles again and again, trying to think back to all possible reasons and think of what my training told me to do in certain situations.

I would have to return to the Fairy World and accept my mistake if I couldn’t find her. I am glad that Dad told me how to get back, or else I wouldn’t have known, I hadn’t been there on my own, and the last time I had seen that world was when I was 5. It wasn’t simple to enter back into the Fairy World.

I remember that time very vividly the beautiful World, better then the Earth. But that’s not what I should be thinking.


“Clare did you notice anything different with Rina?” I acquired, trying to find a clue as to what could have happened. Rina never gave me any attention, but even I had noticed that she was not acting normal in the last 2 months, since that jerk started that rumour. ‘Maybe I should ask Clare what she had done to Joshua and his family? They were a very influential family, anything they say goes, so Clare would be ruined, or already is...’

“I don’t...know. I hadn’t seen her in a week now” She looked apologetic, but that’s no use now.

“You failed in your responsibility!” I snapped at her. “You couldn’t do a simple job!” Her petty issues were annoying me. She was a mere human, a puppet for the princess protection, to pay the role of a happy family. That they had failed!

“Argghhhh” I groaned at my helplessness.

“Mark!” I shrieked his name. I had sent him to Rina’s room to look for any clues.

He ran downstairs, tripping over the rug near the stairs. He was drunk again, why couldn’t these humans control their own lives? Here I was in the responsibility of the whole of the Fairy World. It was such a huge weight that it was hard to control.

“Sir...sir I found some...something” Mark murmured.

My head snapped up, towards him. Making him shrink.

“What?” I asked.

His hand slowly came towards me, holding some sort of a book in his hand.

What could this book contain?


Rina's POV 

I paced the room, trying to control my temper; I was back in my supposedly new room. Jack organisation was hard to accept. He had got me everything I might need, new makeup, shampoo, bath salts, shower gel, perfume, hair brush and so much other stuff. He was too caring sometimes. This overwhelmed me. Why would a stranger give me this much attention.

*knock knock*

I looked at the opened door, Jack stood there smiling at me.

A warm feeling spread all over me. A sudden realization shook me: I was happy. After 3 months of gloom, I was happy again. A smile spread on my face. It was a very good feeling. Warm and tingly.

“Heyyy Reeee” He said in a sing song voice. He could be so childish when he wanted to; he looked so cute like that; it took my breath away. A smile made him even more breathtaking.

“You want to go out for lunch? We have no groceries at the moment, so we could pick something up on the way back?”

I snapped out from my thoughts. “Yeah sure. Give me a few moments.”

“I’ll be outside,” he replied and went.

I fixed my hair and applied some make-up. My reflection was so much better then when I was at home; my face glowed from my happiness. I grabbed some money and my handbag.


We left McDonalds after fillet fish burger meal. We settled on McDonalds after a small argument, he had wanted to get a subway but I had decided on McDonalds. And that was that. He listened to me too. I smiled at the thought.

We had chatted easily during lunch. We shared jokes, habits and talked about our school life. I had always enjoyed school and had wanted to become a fashion designer when I was small and had hoped to pursue in sometime in the future if I got the opportunity. I had been looking forward to my future. But it’s amazing how things change so rapidly.

I had gotten amazing grades in my A levels textiles too. That was a good base as any for a future in designing. Wasn’t Jack saying he needed a designer? But then he had wanted a designer to design website and publishing materials, not clothes. My hope inflated before they got a chance to rise.

I remembered how the waitress had looked enviously at me when she had came to give us our order, Jack had been too engrossed in our conversation to even look at her. That had made me smug when I smiled back at her. Some of my hope soared again. Things weren’t so bad. The future was looking bright again. As long as Jack was there with me, I’ll be happy.

We walked to the supermarket opposite McDonalds to get some things for dinner and other snacks. There was at least something that Jack had forgotten; it made me feel better somehow. That Jack wasn’t fully organised. He had a flaw too. I don’t know why I was thinking that, but that made me feel closer to him.

“What should we cook for dinner tonight? Shall we take turn cooking dinner every day?”

There goes Jacks organisations skills again. I giggled inwardly.

“Yeah sure, today’s your turn so get whatever you can cook.” I grinned.

“Oh ha-ha Ree. You can’t just volunteer me. I hadn’t decided that. So that doesn’t count.”

We carried on bickering as we strolled in the aisles on that supermarket. I picked up some cereals for breakfast; I couldn’t start my day without a cereal. Jack got some bread and butter.

“You are so boring Jack, toast? Seriously? How old fashioned!”

“Rina?” I heard a voice behind me.

I slowly turned around.

I saw the last person I wanted to see.

I had been so happy.

My mood plummeted

 Copyright © 2013 thegirlalone

AN: Who do you think it might me? Somebody from her past? Or from her future?

Please let me know what you think.

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