Chapter Two

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'Last step and I'll be up....Didn't know it was so hard carrying a bag full of clothes up one flight of stairs!' I huffed....I trudged along the corridor, I hadn't passed that many rooms until I came to a junction,

'Which way to go now, straight, left or right?' I questioned myself.


I decided to go with straight as it should be just the 6th room on this floor right, but guess what? They had to be difficult and make the numbers go weirdly, they went odd straight and even numbers to the right and left! I was even starting to talk to myself now, that's what happens when you got nobody to talk to, I thought grimly. Well that was about to change, I decided to make friends, I wasn’t always so sad and quiet.

'26....26.....26....Heck where was this room number 26!!' I mumbled to myself as I walked down the narrow corridor. How far was it going to be, seriously, and I had thought this was a small inn. Oh there it was. Finally!

I put my bag down, 'sigh' it felt good to stretch my arms. *yawn* I was feeling sleepy; I had not had a great night. After all who can sleep through all that shouting? I sighed again, “Better not think if that” It was a new beginning.

I surveyed the room as I walked in, it was an alright-ish room; size wise and it had everything you would need, a double bed, matching wardrobe and dressing table, a small fridge as well. That was more then what I was used to and my own bathroom! So no sharing, no chance of bumping with unwanted people.

My mood improved even more, my leaving the house was proving to be a good decision, probably the best I had made in my life. It could only get better form here, I had been through the worst, well a girl would hope.

I started unpacking, it was good to get the important stuff out the way, then I can go get some good food, ahhh that smell that had wafted in my nose as I had walked into the inn. I had lived on takeaways and ready meals, I’m not saying I wasn’t a good cook; it just wasn’t feasible cooking for just one person. Mom was always working to try to pay the bills when my Dad stopped caring and started drinking. Now could be their chance to start understanding each other more, maybe they could remember why they fell in love with each other in the first place.

Before I came along, I think they were happy being together and now that I was out of their way, they could be happy again, maybe even sort out the misunderstandings. Or maybe they were mistakes. My thoughts went back to the food; I couldn’t wait to try some. My mouth was already watering.

'Alright let's get to work Rina; you have your life to sort out.' I smiled at the thought; finally I can make my own decisions.

I took out my books and stacked them on the bedside table; I'll find a place for them later. Then came out my clothes and shoes, then my makeup and toiletries. It didn't take me long to unpack, I didn't have many possessions I thought sarcastically, all thanks to Dad and his insecurities. Okay, enough about that, I scolded myself.

My stomach rumbled, that reminds me, food! I locked my door before I went, no point risking what little I have with me, I'll have to be careful, as I didn't know the type of people out there.

I went down the stairs that I had come up from, it was easier this time without the bag and i also knew how the rooming system worked. I hope the lift starts working soon, i didn’t need to lose weight, i thought to myself. I am already skinny enough. I walked through the reception area to the diner, it was pretty big, I hadn't expected that really.

There were tables with blue covers with comfy padded chairs; it looked like a good standard restaurant. There weren't that many people in there, just a couple sitting on a table for two, chatting quietly amongst themselves, they looked like tourists, with big smiles and carefree attitude. An old man sat in the middle of the room, lost in his thoughts and food, he looked lonely to me, maybe I'll talk to him after a meal. I was a very talkative person when I put my mind to it.

I sat down in the table near the windows; there was a nice garden outside. Beautiful flowers were blooming with grassland around the large trees, there were 2, I didn't have a clue what trees they were except they looked good. There was also a bench between the two trees, that would be an ideal spot to read books in the coming days, my way to relax, I didn't care much about TV though, not like my father...

I mentally shook myself, didn't like where my thoughts were going. Let's go back to thinking what to order.

It was lunch time, so I wanted a huge brunch, since I had no breakfast.

Yummm they served lasagne, wow my favourite. I shall have two servings of that with some salad, I loved my salad. I shall have chocolate fudge cake for desert. I loved desert too,, i wasn’t like other girls, always worrying about their figure, if a guy didn’t like you for what you were, in my opinion he wasn’t worth it. This would be the first time that I ate peacefully with no interruptions and arguments. It would be real cooked food too, I was happy for now. I could go into serious mode later.

I ate my lunch in a leisurely pace, enjoying the peace and quiet and the nice view outside. I ate every last bit, which was unusual and I loved this new feeling. The real had decided to resurface after all that drama.

Suddenly a random person just came and sat next to me just I was going to get up. It was a he, and he was just looking and me, he started with “hey”

I smiled, and waited for him to continue.

“I am Jack Sparrow” and he gave me a huge grin. I just looked at him confused, was he somebody famous that i was meant to know? Was there a joke I was missing?? I just starred at him.

“Sorry I couldn't resist, its Jack Hennington. Everyone always thinks of Jack Sparrow when I give my name so now I have just given up on telling my name, I just give his name as an introduction, sorry for blabbering, I tend to do that when I see someone I like....” He grinned.

“Are you local?”

I stared back the blue eyes looking at me with interest, how does one react at certain situations? Was this what other girls called ‘being hit on by a hot guy’?

“Yes I am local” was all I could come up with so I just left it at that. It wasn't like I could answer that question in any other way. I should ask whether he was local, right?

“How about yourself?” I enquired. It wouldn’t be good manners to just stop a new conversation, I had promised myself to be more talkative and make friends. This looked like a good chance as any.

“No I am from London actually, I got bored of the busy life plus I just broke up with my girlfriend and decided that I needed a new environment and fresh girls, you know what I mean?” He winked at me as he said that.

“Plus I am setting up a new business, so Oxford looked like a place that needed a new idea” Jack carried on. “Since you are from here, what do you think of setting up a new chain of shops here?”

I didn’t have that much knowledge about business, I didn’t take it for A levels, I was more into sports and English. So I said it as it was.

“Sorry I wouldn’t be much help, I have no clue about business” I replied to his question.

“Don’t worry about it, I am here to fill you up on that, you look abit lost, if you are from here then why are you staying at a motel?” He was proving to be a very talkative guy, I needed to get away and start looking for a job, I wasn’t sure how much I could trust him but I would have to give him an answer though.

“I am from here, but I have just left my parents house to start a new life, you know how it is” I tried to say it lightly as if it wasn’t a big deal, but I am not sure how I sounded as he became serious and worried.

Copyright © 2013

Who was this guy and would something happen between Rina and Jack? If so then where did Mike fit it?

PS: Banner provided by Foreverwriter741, Thanks a lot =)

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