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Hi guys, I have just added this prologue now, to clear up some of the questions people are having about what had happened in Rina's life. This happened 3 months ago.


I was facing my Mum, hurt evident on my swollen face. I was shattered.

"Am I your child Mum?" I whispered.

We had been having dinner quietly and that’s when I had broken down. I couldn’t take it anymore, this acting as a happy family. I wasn’t happy and neither were we family.

My eyes were swollen, which they would be as I had been crying for hours. I had found out last night that the parents I had been calling Mum and Dad weren’t mine. I had been living a lie. Joshua Adams had publicised that fact at the party last night, everyone had found out before me.

He knew it before me. He had also labelled my Mum a slag. I even found out that somehow my Mum had broken his family, I would never had believed that if she was my real Mum, now I was just confused and broken. Joshua had been drunk at the time, I would never have believed what he said if everyone else hadn't confirmed it.


"Mum, are you even my Mum?" I sounded so broken, I couldn’t eat.

The look on her face told me everything.

It was the truth.

I had been betrayed.

I wasn’t even a Cottrell.

But Joshua had called me a princess; he had whispered it to me as I had been running out of the party.

“You will pay, princess!” He had sounded very menacing, as if he blamed me for something, I didn’t even know what I had done.

I starred at my food, I wanted to disappear. I got up and left the house, not bothering to reply to the man inside who was calling me. “Rina! Come back....” I shut the door on his face, cutting him off.

Days passed achingly slowly. I locked myself in my room in the evenings. I tried to ignore the insults in the sixth form in the day time, but I couldn't, it always hurt me like. When I came home I would revise for my upcoming exams, shutting the whole world out. Or maybe shutting myself from the world? Then I would cry myself to sleep. With just one question on my mind.

Why me?

Why was I even alive?

I would have killed myself if I had been a coward, but I wasn’t, I’ll show the world that I could live alone. As that's what I would be now, ALONE.

Copyright © 2013

AN: What did you guys think? Please give feedback.

PS: Rina on the side >>>>>>>>>>>

Trailer by undecidedrayoflight, many many thanks for the amazing trailer =)

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