chapter 1

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You were just on your way back to your house from going to get your little cousin, Fritz. Kids weren't all your favorite, but your little cousin surely made your heart melt. Is was going to be his 8th birthday in a few days, and your aunt and uncle wanted you to take him to Freddy Fazbears Pizzaria for his birthday, since he has loved that place since it became a thing.
"(Y/N), are we there yetttt?" You sighed as he had said the same thing 20 times over and over again.
"Almost sweetie. We will be there in a few minutes."
You guys were just starting to pull onto the road to your house, when he finally fell asleep. Good god, this kid can really get on my nerves sometimes you thought to yourself.

~~~~~time skip to the party~~~~~
Fritz took hold of your hand as you got him out of the car and started to walk to the doors of Freddys. "(Y/N), can we please go see Foxy first?? Pleaseeeeeee????" He looked up at you with his signature look with his puppy eyes. Jesus, he can be so cute sometimes "ofcorse we can Fritz. You are the birthday boy after all." You smiled brightly to your amazing cousin. He smiled back as you bent down to his level to were you are looking straight in his eyes.
"Now, remember what we talked about. No talking to strangers. No running off without letting me know where you went. And do NOT toutch the animatronics." You emfisized the word 'not' in the last thing you said, because you didn't want him getting hurt, or......... worse. He vigorously shook his head up and down, egnoliging that he understood. (Sorry for my shitty ass spelling.😬😬) You then let go of his hand and rubbed his back. "Ok buddy, you can go and see Foxy. But, stay a safe distance from him, ok? Please." He smiled and gave you a thumbs up as he ran inside and what looked to be sprinting to Pirate's Cove. You just laughed a little bit as you walked in casually. You knew you were going to end up being bored out of your mind, so you just went into the arcade room to play some games.

~~~~~~ time skip ~~~~~~

Fritz point of view

I was watching Foxys show, mesmerized at his funny songs and jokes he would say. I jumped as I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder, and I looked over you shoulder, having to look nearly straight up just to look at this person's face. They kinda looked very interesting, but intimating at the same time. There was a small moment of us just staring into each others eyes. It was him who decided to speak up first.
"Hello buddy! I see you really like Foxy!" He never took his eyes off of me. I was a little confused about why he was talking to me. Maybe he is a friend of (Y/N)? You thought to yourself. "Y-yeah.... he is my favorite! My cousin brought me here for my birthday. I'm finally 8 years old! She gave me one of my presents earlier and it was a Foxy plushie. It's really cute." You smile wide as he starts to grin. It was really menacing, but I kinda liked it. You felt like you would be able to trust this man. "Its your birthday? Well, excuse me for my rudeness. Happy birthday little man!!" He gave you a bright smile that made you want to trust him more.
"I have a little present that Foxy had told me to give to a special birthday boy today. Would you like to see it?" "YES!!!" You screamed. Anything from Foxy must be amazing!! Wow, you were finally gonna be able to have something from your favorite pirate fox.

Back to your point of view :D

It had been 3 hours since you had seen Fritz last. You had started to get worried. I couldn't tell him about the kids that have gone missing here. Hes to young, and that would have ruined his birthday! But he needs to know how bad it is to run off, or to be gone for to long. I should have fucking told him!! You mentally face palmed as you had looked around you. You knew that he would probably still be at Pirates Cove, so you started to make your way there.
People had been filing out of the establishment, and you were one of the last people there. You hadn't realized that it was 5 minutes after closing time.
As you made your way towards Pirates Cove, you started to get worried. I can't see him there. Where the bloody hell did he go?!?!??!!! You were starting to panic. You started to fast walk towards the backstage. Hes not the smartest kid. Maybe he wandered into here...? You were so scared, you just needed to look everywhere for your missing cousin. You didn't want to loose the only kid that makes your insides melt, and you didn't want to let your family down. You've never been your family's favorite, so you were already in a bad place. It would only make your family hate you more if you lost Fritz. You walked into the dark room that was the backstage. You couldn't see a thing, and it kinda scared you. "Where the hell is he!!!?" You yelled under your breath. You hadn't been able to hear the footsteps behind you, and you then felt a hand cover your mouth, and you felt a sharp pain in your left shoulder. You had attempted to scream, but the person's grip was to tight over your mouth. You felt your eyelashes get soaked as you started to sob in the person's arms.
Is this how I die?? You thought to yourself. You had started to feel a little lightheaded from not being able to breath. So, as instinct told you, you started to kick your legs, trying to free yourself. You then heard a deep voice that you had no clue who it belonged to, say "shhh..... stay calm....." he sounded to relaxed, even though his grip said otherwise. That was the last thing you heard before you blacked out.

(Sorry for the short chapter. I really hoped you liked it :D my first story ever on here, so please don't give me hate, but give me advice for what I did wrong here. Love your fellow noob:P))

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