chapter 7

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Trigger warning!!! Suicide attempt, please don't read if you get triggered by the subject!!!

"Fucking William..."
As Henry runs to you, you start to zone out, looking at the blood on your hands. You start to get a bad feeling, like you have been in this situation before.

Standing in the bathroom with a razor in your hand, covered in blood, you look at yourself in the mirror. 'You are nothing! You should just end it now, while you have the chance...' I start to cut more and more, and you slowly raise It to your neck. You start to put pressure and you scream, making Henry run to the door and open it, yelling. It wasnt the first time you tried, but you hope its your last

"HELLO?! EARTH TO (Y/N)?! ARE YOU LISTENING?" henry was ferrous. You had let him down yet again... "it wasnt me..." you whisper, not daring to look up. "I didnt try to kill myself again... I promised I wouldn't, and I havent." Henry could barely hear you, but you kept talking, almost to yourself. "William... hes stalking me.... he was the one who hurt me, the one who tried to kill me. Hes only keeping me alive for his own fun and pleasure...." you started to ball your eyes out.
"Y/n, honey... what's going on? Why are you saying this? Why are you lieing to me?!" He starts to cry as well.

Henry's pov.
'Why.... why is she saying this? Will would never...' he starts to cry as he remembers finding Charlie, murdered behind of fredbears, with no person in sight. Since then, y/n has been mentally challenged, going through depression, and fazes of anger towards herself, blaming herself for Charlie's death.

Y/n pov.
I hug henry tightly, crying into his shoulder, leaning against him since your not that much shorter then the stout man. "W-we need to get your neck patched up... then you can tell me what you did and why..." he takes my hand and lightly pulls me to the bathroom where the first aid kit is. While he disinfects the small cut, he starts to talk. "What do you mean william did this? Hes at his house, with his kids. He would never harm a child, let alone if bestfriends child..." he trails off again, looking very distant as if he isn't telling something. As you explain what happened, his mood changes from upset and remorseful, to angry and hyper. "Y/n, I doubt he would do that!" He yells, trying to defend his friend. "Henry.... I'm telling you, it was him! He was wearing a purple shirt with gray slacks! He loves purple, right?!" You start to get mad for him not believing you. "Your mother would have taken you to a mental hospital by now.... your lucky honey, that I love you...." he looks at his watch, and his eyes widen. "I was gonna take you to work with me tomorrow, to help you get the feel of the place with you being ingured and all." He takes you up to your room, and he leaves after saying "love you" to you.
As you lay there in bed, you wonder, what you have gotten yourself into....

OMG, IM FUCKING BACK BITCHES!! Dont expect me to have a normal update range, because I cant keep up with this and life at the same time. Hope yall like it!! Like always, stay nooby

~your NoobSniper7, signing off~

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