chapter 6

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~stay calm my dove~
As I arrive home with Henry, my head is pounding. My heart feels hollow as I keep looking at William's number on the paper, his hand writing so perfect.
"Henry, where is Fritz," you finally get the guts to ask your father.
"I dont know darling, the police are still looking for him, and evidence of if he was...... " he slowly trailed off as he didnt want to make me think he was dead. I knew he probably was dead, but I still needed to have faith that he was still alive.
"Um, sweetie, I've been meaning to ask you something," he asks in a exited but exasperated tone.
"Throw it at me," I say with a giggle.
"I've been thinking, you have been doing it for the pizzaria, so why not have you actually work there and get money?" He asks. My jaw drops. Work at the same place as Afton? Have him as my boss? That cant end well.
"Sure, I'll do it. It would be really fun I think," I say mindlessly. WHY DID I JUST AGREE TO THAT!? "Cool! You can start as the technician when you have recovered enough, and then work your way into the harder jobs."
"Ok, that sounds really cool Hen," I tell him. When I'm done speaking, I dont know weather to be happy, mad, or sad. I get to work with my father, but I have to have William as my co-boss.
Henry must have noticed that we were sitting in the car for a while, because he quickly gets up and opens my door for me. "Sorry, I zoned out sweetie." As he helps me out of the car, I drop the paper with William's number on it. "Fuck," I mutter. Henry glares at you, but then realizes that you dropped something. As he looks at it, you cant tell if hes happy, or mad.
"Ahh, so I see the cheeky Will gave you his number. Well, that might be handy with him being your new boss soon," henry says slyly.
"Ugh, can I have it back please?" You ask in a snooty tone. He looks at you confused, but gives it back to you, helping you to the house and up to your room. "I'll be back when dinner is ready, and I'll help you back down (y/n)." He walks back down the stairs, and as you walk into your room and lock the door, you hear a thud.
You quickly turn around, and you almost scream. "WILLIAM!!?" You have a look of horror as you notice that his eyes are a bright purple, and he is holding a knife in his right hand. You run to your bed-side table and take out a 9-mil. handgun. "What. Are. You. Doing. IN MY ROOM!?" You shout at William. He starts to slowly walk closer to you, grinning inhumanely. "You might want to be quiet darling, or else Henry's gonna hear," he snarls in his smexy british accent.
"Why are you in my room creep," you repeat but with more of a seething tone.
"Well darling, if you may know, I came back to finish the job I started." At this point, he is within arm length to you, because you are still pointing your gun at him.
"Now now (y/n), you dont want me to make it more painful, now do you?"
You drop your gun, because it would have been useless, because you never have it loaded because of Henry. He took your amo because of what you have tried to do in the past.
"Good girl," William says slyly, making you jump inside. Why am I having the weirdest feelings for a killer? You wonder to yourself. You feel something cold against your almost bare chest, being in a skimpy tank top from the hospital. You look down as much as you can, and see William holding the knife to your neck. You start to hyperventilate, and your fight or flight kicks in. You start to hit him, and thrash around, feeling the blood dripping down your neck. He pushes his body flush with yours, and grabs your arms. "I wouldnt do that if I were you darling~"
"Fuck you," you whisper.
"What was that? I could not hear you, please be louder," he says teasingly.
"I said, fuck you," you say louder.
"Oh baby, that's not the goal for today, but I might save that for another day," he responds in his cheeky tone. He has the biggest shit-eating grin you have ever seen. How can he be enjoying this?! "You truly are a creepy fucker, arnt you? Are you enjoying this? Hurting your future employe?" You dont know why you told him that, but you did.
"Ooo, future employe, you say? That means I can have you more to myself soon~"
And with that, he leaves out of your window.
"What. The fuck. Just happened?" You say, grabbing at your neck, and looking at your hand, revealing blood. "(Y/N) EMILY, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!!" Henry has barged threw your door, seeing you with a bloody neck, and a bloody knife on the floor. "Fucking william," you murmur.

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