chapter 9

187 4 6

¡Warning rape!
~I turn my back to him, just to feel a hand on my shoulder which turns me around...~

Y/n's POV:
I and turned around and shoved against the wall, a hand on my throat, and another holding my hands above my head. William is looking me dead into my eyes, and he seems to have glowing eyes. I have a look of pure terror, afraid for what he is going to do to me. "What do you think your doing, coming into MY establishment, and disrespecting me like that?! You know that I can end your life right here! I don't care about your petty little problems, you got that?!"

My heart is beating so loud, I swear he can hear it. He starts to chuckle and smirk, like he enjoys what hes doing to me. Not having control over what I want and dont want to do, I spit in his face, and snarl, "I dont ever have to listen to you, cunt." His smirk drops, and while keeping my hands above my head, he pulls out a small switch blade, and holds it to my chest, lightly cutting open my shirt right my my breasts. "You are going to regret doing that, darling~" he growls out with a look of pure hunger in his eyes. Oh God... what did I just sign myself up for... I'm absolutely horrified as he starts to cut open my shirt even more, then starts to pick off the scab on my neck from him. I wince at the slight pain, then feel a weird but good sensation of him licking the blood trickling down my neck. I blush, not knowing what I even want anymore. "W-William.... please..." I whimper, scared. He stops, and walks away just to return with rope. He ties my hands above my head, and hangs the rope on a rafter that was in the ceiling. "Now I can have my fun with you..." he says ruffly.

I dont know whether I like this or not, because I'm still terrified but also wet... he rips open my shirt, revealing my chest and bra. He starts to take his knife and traces along the scares that I have from the springlocks. He doesnt cut them to hard, but enough to make a small amount of blood come out. I moan from pain, and he smirks. He cuts my bra in half, and stares at my chest. He starts to lick up my stomach, and in between my cleavage, causing me to moan again, but from pleasure. "I hate you so much Afton..." I manage to snarl out. He looks me dead in the eyes, and then starts to aggressively fumble around with his knife before cutting into my stomach, right on my pelvis. I cry out in pain before he puts his hand over my mouth, muting my cries for help. When I feel the knife leave my skin, I look down to see WA carved deep into my skin. "Now, everyone will know that your MINE, love~" he purrs out, and licks the wound and moans from joy and pleasure. He gets up and points at me.

"Dont make a sound, I'll be back in a second." I am so scared that I dont move, or say anything, because I dont know what other horrors hes going to do to me.

When he gets back, he has a whole new uniform for me, the same size and everything. "Get changed darling~" he purrs sensually as he untied me. I wait for him to leave, or at least turn, but he keeps his eyes on me, watching my every move. I quickly start to change, not knowing how to do it do he sees as little of me as possible, and as I'm half naked with no bra on, he is staring at my body, looking very pleased with what he did and what he is looking at. I then have a moment of realization of how I'm not going to have a bra while working.
"Afton, how do you expect me to be able to work without having a bra anymore? I cant walk around with children seeing me! Its indecent!! Oh my God, what is Henry going to think... he gonna think I'm a whore..." I start to ramble on, forgetting that I even addressed William in the first place.

The next thing I know, William was right in front of me, and starts to play with my tits. Well, that's just something that you are going to have to worry about, dove. I cant help you there~" I try to hold back a moan, while glaring at him. I push hin away, and manage to growl out, "dont fucking toutch me," out of pure anger and hatred. "I dont think that's how you talk to your boss, now is it?" At this point, he is smirking. I cant even begin to explain how much I fucking hate you Afton, I think to myself. "I expect to see you backstage preparing the animatronics for the show tonight before I leave my office," he warns, then leaves me with my thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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