chapter 2

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You wake up with a very bad headache, and your left shoulder. You didnt know where you were, until you opened your eyes fully. You were in a pitch black room, and you could only see a little bit through the small eye holes that you were peering through. You tried to move your right arm, but you couldn't. It was to heavy. That was when it clicked in your head. I'm in a fucking spring lock suit. Your parents had givin you up for adoption, and a family friend Henry Emily, adopted you. He had always seemed like a true father figure towards you, and he made you felt loved. Though, he was the only one that seemed like they cared in his family. His daughter and son liked you, but his wife didn't. You never truly knew why, but she did. You didn't think it was necessary to change your last name, so you just kept it as (L/N). He had taught you all about the suits, but he never let your wear it. You were glad though, because they could kill you in an instant is you made the wrong move. You were starting to freak out. You were hyperventilating and sweating alot, the 2 things that you can not do when in the suit. You tried your hardest to calm down, but them you remembered that the person that knocked you out had said. "Shhh...... stay calm...." It had been kinda hard to calm down, when you trying to be calm is the whole reason your in this position.
Your sweat was increasing by the second, and you were terrified. The main thing that was on your mind was: dont fucking die.
You tried and tried and tried to stop sweating your ass off, but it wasn't working. You were trying to move as little as possible, but there was a liquid running down your left arm, and it was making you want to itch your arm. You jerked your right arm and it lifted and fell right to the ground.


Was all that you could heard. You tried to scream, and you had been successful, but only for a little bit. Your throat was so dry, that you couldn't scream for more them 4 seconds.


It was about to happen. You were about to get spring locked. You had heard banging on a maybe door straight infront of you.
"(Y/N)!! Are you in there?!?!?!?!!!?? Answer me (Y/N)!!!" You tried to answer, but the next thing you knew it, you had felt a sharp pain all throughout your body. You screamed for 2 seconds before the only sound heard from you was a  terrible gurgling sound. You were about to die in one of the worst ways possible. You were crying and you felt the worst type of pain anyone could ever feel.
Then, you fell over and you blacked out.

Henry's point of view before the accident

Henry had been sitting at his desk filling out paper work. Mostly lawsuits from the missing children incident. He then got a call from his brother, Damien. "Hey Damien"
"Henry, (Y/N) hasnt come back with Fritz, and we told her to come back before 6"
"Well, do you know where she is supposed to be?"
"She was taking Fritz to Freddys for his birthday. He wanted to see foxy more then anything."
"Well, we just closed, and I didnt see her at all. I'm gonna go looking around and see if I can find her."
"You don't have to look for her. I dont care if she gets lost or something. Just find your nephew for Christs sakes."
"Damien, dont you DARE say that about (Y/N) again!!"
He then hung up the phone before his brother could say anything. He then sighed. If I look for (Y/N), then I might as well look for Fritz as well. He started to walk out of his office, and want about to go to the main area, when William ran into him.
"Oh, hey Will."
"Hey Henry. What are you doing?"
"I'm looking for my daughter and nephew. Did you see either one of them today? It was Fritz 8th birthday today, so he wanted to see foxy more then anything. Heh" He laughed awkwardly.
"Hmmm.... let me think....... no, I haven't. I'm sorry Henry, but I haven't. I hope you can find them though!" He smiled joyfully to Henry and he smiled back.
"Thanks man. Sorry for bothering you."
"No problem. Do you need help looking for the-" William was interrupted by a loud high pitched screaming.
Him and William both ran as fast as they could to where they heard the screaming. They came to the supply closet and Henry banged on the locked door. "(Y/N)!!! Are you in there?!?!?!!? Answer me!!!!" Henry had started to panic. They both then heard a click.
"Oh no" was all William had said.
Henry backed up from the door and took out his key chain, trying to find the right key for the door. It was taking him forever. They started to hear more clicks, then a scream. Henry threw his keys away, and bashed his shoulder into the door, busting it open. They turned the light on, and what they saw was awful. (Y/N) was in one of the spring lock suits, and they had been set off. William took his phone out and called 911. Henry's mind had blocked out all of the noises and talking around him. Everything was just muted. He couldnt hear anything besides his own loud and fast breathing, and his heart beat. The sound of the sirens were heard as Henry was trying to take the suit off of (Y/N)'s limp body.
William was trying to pull him away from (Y/N) because the ambulances were all there. Doctors and firefighters and police were all there. Henry was not going to leave (Y/N)'s side. When William tried to pull him away from her again, Henry punched William in the chest, making him fall back. The police had to pull Henry soff and away from (Y/N) because they needed to get her to the hospital as fast as they can. He then started to cry. He didnt want to lose her to one of his creations. There had been too many deaths and missing kids in and at Freddys. William made his way over to Henry holding his stomach. He rubbed his back comforting him. Well, trying to.
"Hey, if you want to stay with (Y/N), then you better get going. They are about to leave. I'll come with you if you want."
Henry stood up, looking William in the eyes.
"Thank you Will. For being here for me. And I'm sorry for punching you. This is just way to hard and stressful for me right now." William just smiled and helped Henry stand up and walk out to the ambulance. They both got into the vehicle and they drove to the hospital. The whole way there, Henry had his fingers intertwined with (Y/N)s fingers. It was honestly a hard sight to see. She was all bloody. They still havnt taken the suit off, because she would start to bleed out again. She looked so terrible, but Henry still cared about her. Still LOVED his beloved adopted daughter. They might not be related, but they were probably the most perfect family. After he being abused by her real father, she had been scared if Henry at first. She was cutting herself all the time, and he would get mad when she would. Not because he just wanted to get mad at her, no. Because he cared about her. He loved her to much to see her hurt herself.
He must have been day dreaming for a long time, because he was being shook my William.
"Henry buddy, we're here."

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