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It came suddenly.

No warning.

It grows in reverse, roots up, trunk to the soil.

Everything ran for cover the moment they see the roots stab through others and drain their blood out. Leaving flaky husks that dust in the wind. Slowly it grew over a few months, not many living things left for miles as the roots grew and spread farther out for more sustenance, what parts of the ground are tainted with blood are quickly scavenged by demons that carry it back to the reversed tree in a hurry.

The land was bare of anything alive, miles and miles of destroyed forests, even mountains were cracked and falling to the roots. Everything ran from it following the others quickly.


"You can have it." Your voice is dull, monotone with no care as you stand from the throne of thorns, your skin once purple bleeds pale, the horns atop your head crumble to the floor where they slowly blow to dust as you step down the stairs that lead to the throne, your blackened eyes dilate into pupils and a bright green takes form around them.

Canines shrink to a normal mortal length and your nails retract to a normal length as well, but the black stays, more like a polish of sorts. You pass the much larger demon on your way out who is staring in disbelieve, jaw slack in shock as he watched you sway off out the hole of a door in the tree that lead to your throne room. The roots shooting upwards around it, blood soaking the ground and walls. The grip on his sword loosens slightly, but his guard remains.

With a sassy flip of your hair it changes from a silver to a deep black with a silver undertone of sorts.

"Have fun, King Mundus." You chuckle as you leave.


Walking the mortal realm was.. a change.

Instead of seeing the darkened red skies of the underworld, and the immense bloodshed of demons trying to kill their way to the top to take you on, or even the roots of the Qliphoth that long ago was cut from the mortal world and tried to grow back out to feed, being held back purposely by your power, than destroyed completely upon (and unknown to) Mundus taking your throne, going so far as to say he killed you off for it, which honestly, you couldn't care less. If the whole demon world thought you dead, so be it.

But now you can see the blue sky of the world once more and the vast forests and mountain tops that litter its' surface with the few openings that were cut down for human villages that you traveled through on your adventure to solely explore.


Humanity progressed to the point of vast technological advances you were oddly proud of.

Tvs, cellphones, cars, even giant leaps in medical fields.

Not that you'd benefit from that since you never get sick.

Which honestly you would love a sick day from work from time to time. You manager could be a pain at times, your fault though for choosing to be a singer.

Once you traveled the world and watched the human world grow and develop you grew bored once more with not having anything to do. so a career was set....

For the what... 1,000sth time.

You did it all, viking chief, claiming continents lost to history, queen from time to time, slaughter your husband once and a while cause he cheated, or he was just a dick.

A renaissance artist, your art hung in museums under false names that you could never let anyone know about.

A nun a few times for shits and giggles, seducing priests was fun when ya felt like it and watch them fight with their inner demons once you are done with them, some even offed themselves which, you were indifferent to.

You turned into a hermit during the early 2000s and modern day a rock singer who earned her right to it through playing some instruments and singing till someone picked you up claiming you'd be a big thing and you were.

But even that ended up boring you.

All the time in the world to do everything, and you always grow bored of it.

You hated it.

Part of you missed the underworld in the sense that you could go out and kill things more often than now.

Now you had to fight with your manager to leave fora night to drink.


That was how it was.

Till the Qliphoth grew.

2,000 years once the demon Sparda sealed it and it grew back.

Many a question past your mind as to why, but as you watched your home city fall to its' roots you know you'd have to do something.

Empty dried husks of humans littered it's streets. It only took an hour for most of the city to either be dead, or hidden in fear. You helped evacuate who you met, slicing down roots and any demons that got in your way.

Humans were so useless in this department. You were reminded as to why you avoided them in your early years of being on the surface. But, you lived among them, you had a reputation as a singer so they knew you, if you left them, and they lived, they would with no hesitation spill the details as to how you could have helped. And didn't.

You can already hear your managers voice bitching you out, is he even still alive?

Luckily the humans were more worried about getting out alive than why you carried a giant scythe, or were able to form spears in mid air and shoot them at your targets, if they weren't shitting themselves half of you thinks they would have stopped to ask.

2 months later and you were able to get all the humans out... well the live ones.

But now what was left, slaughtering the countless hordes of demons that spilled out from the tree. You sigh as you trudge through the empty streets. Empty husks line it as broken LED lights streak across illuminating the broken dead city you once called home.

You skip over a few deep puddles from the passing rain whistling away hands in your jean pockets. It sorta reminds you of your old years before you tossed your crown and just killed demons for no reason but just to have something to do. Your boots scuff at the ground as you come into a shopping district a few bodies here and there, the clicks of demons nearby and some slurping sound as they found a pile of blood to feast on.

With a quick turn down the district you found a small group of lowly Empusa all huddled around the pile drinking it up to no end till one that was standing off to the side it screeches your arrival forcing the others to stop and turn to you in turn they all bolt to you in a failed attempt at an ambush.

No real effort on your end you jump to a broken lamp post above them and crouch down on it watching them as they look around for you before spotting you.

"I was hoping for a challenge. Guess I'll have to go in deeper for a real fight." Your eyes turn to the trunk of the Qliphoth that you can see from any point in the city. The stronger will be collected closer to the base.

In a wave of your wrist glyphs appear behind you, shining a brilliant purple with gold in the center, silver spears with a ethereal glow to them shoot out and impale the Empusa, nailing them to the ground till they spill into nothing, the spears dissolve too, glyphs disappearing as you jump back down to the ground.

You leave the district, heading deeper in finishing off any hordes you meet, hoping for something interesting to happen.

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