Chapter 4

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"I told you not to. This is what you get for not listening to me." You cross your arms looking at the tattooed man across from you who was leaning on his cane a bit heavily trying to recover from the fall.

"Oh not again." Griffon huffs flapping about above you just a little as the steps from the beast above rock the caverns ceiling "If, IF you said :Hey! Maybe don't bug the pest or something bad will happen!: Maybe then we would have listened!" The bird flaps in front of you giving you as close to a stink eye as he could.

"Don't give me that look chicken leg." You swat at him but he dodges down and flaps away with a laugh.

"I can't read your mind! How were we suppose to know what was hidden behind him!"

"You're telling me, as a demon! You didn't feel that energy!?" You throw your arms up in a rage. "How could you not!? It was massive!"

"I was to busy making sure Shakespeare over here was gonna be ok!"

"You could have easily caught him." You snark and looking around the sewer.

"I was.... shut the hell up!" The bird dissolves into nothing and returns to his master, Shadow stalks around growling a bit before turning her head to you before vanishing herself.

"You do enjoy riling up my familiars." V looks at you with a low sigh before turning on his heel and walking down the tunnel, the ground shook with the steps of the monstrous beast above that had sent you both down here in the first place.

"Not my fault they make it fun." You follow.


"Oh finally I can see the sky again!" Griffon flies above with joy. Clouds rolled by as the bird flew around before landing on a broken lamp post that was bent a bit in the middle.

"Yeah the fresh air feels nice." You agree, stretching just a bit, those hoards of demons down in the tunnels did a number on you.

Having to avoid the others as you fought was a challenge, you ended up smacking into V a few times dodging some attacks.

"Which way we goin now?" Griffon looks around.

"That is the only way, everything else seems blocked off." You point to an archway just past a busted fountain, oddly enough some flowers had started to grow, red as blood.

The bird sighs with a stretch before taking off again, you follow after with V. You take in your surroundings a bit more and the man ends up ahead of you by a few feet just as he passes the arch he quickly backs up against the wall and gestures for you to get next to him as he peeks over the wall.

You quickly move over and wait and watch, you hear muffles but were to fixed on the roses blooming outside the archway and deeper inside, you hadn't seen those flowers, in a very long time now that you saw them up close.

You watch as the petals flow with the wind. The scent, faint of iron yet still so sweet.

V steps out into the open you turn your head to watch him before stepping out with him to see what he was looking at you look and bite back a gasp.

In front of you stood one of the most ancient of demon species, long thought to be extinct really.

An Elder Geryon. You couldn't tear your eyes from it, you had never seen one up close before, or every.

They didn't dwell on the lower levels of the Qliphoth and they rarely showed themselves in hell. Some rumors were they made there home in space pockets between time, but there is no evidence to back such claims.

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