Chapter 1

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"V! V! V! V! V!" Griffon shouts from above the blacked hard man.

"What is it?" He sighs at his avian companion, stopping to look up as Griffon hovers just above his head. The flap of his wings cause a light wind that sways his hair just slightly.

"I-I sense something! It's strong too." The bird looks off north "It just entered the city." The bird confessed.

V hums placing both hands atop his cane curiously. "Must be pretty powerful if you can sense it from that far off." His voice was low as he looked north also. Jade eyes take in the destroyed landscape of the city around them.

"Yeah... it's odd ya know.. kinda feels, familiar?" The demonic bird questions. This causes the human below to look up and stare with a raised brow.

"How so?"

"I can't place it, like... it is familiar to me. But not? I-I can't explain it ok!" The bird squawks flapping higher.

"Well, whatever it is, will have to wait. We are to meet Nico and Nero up ahead." V turns and starts walking once more, Griffon hovers a bit before following him only to shout and nearly dodge out of the way of the massive panther like demon V also kept.

"Where ya going putty tat!?" He shouts after her as she runs off north.

V was taken aback, he tried summoning Shadow back but she rejected it, running off as fast as her four legs could carry. "Follow her. I can call Nico to come get me."

"Ya sure Shakespeare? Don't wanna leave ya to long with no protection, you die I die and I ain't about that." The bird circles above him before flying off after the cat.

V heads to the phone booth nearby ever so curious about his cat familiars actions.


With every step you took a demon fell.


A step here, a spear to the neck there and drop like a rock they did.

You had your hands pocketed into your baggy sweater, if a single drop of blood even touched your fluffy purple sweater you'd unleash hell itself.

You watched the ground as you walked through debris. The sun had come up an hour after your arrived in the city, stirring up more demons which quickly learned that trying to jump you from any corner they could resulted in a quick death. Maybe even a bit painful depending on how you were feeling.

Just as you rounded a corner to head to the subway to cut some roots you quickly were sent back in a flip, every time your foot touched the ground you jumped back again in a dodge as something slashed the air in front of you till it jumped and backed off with a growl.

You allow yourself to settle for a split second before having to bend back and avoid your head getting lopped off, your snap your fingers summoning a butcher knife, and jump off a few more feet landing on a burnt car, luckily it was destroyed or the damn alarm would have gone off signalling more demons your way.

"A Fury huh? Figured your kind would be way deeper into the city. You lost?" You smirk as it growls in offence before vanishing once more.

You flip the knife a bit looking around, with a click of your tongue you dodge to the lift as it slashes down slicing the car in half. You quickly spin around and toss the knife, it lands just before the Fury vanishes again. It let out a low hiss of pain.

You talk a few steps before ducking and kicking out, landing a blow to the bottom of it's chin, it brings it other hand down on you only for you to dive onto your elbow, spin and use both feet to kick it off into the air. You twist your body and straighten out, sitting on one knee before you hear something behind you running quickly, whatever it is it jumps off your back and spins, it turns into a saw blade it rotates and spins into the Fury before falling down and skidding to a halt.

It growls lowly before the Fury just takes off.

You stand and stare at the demonic cat curiously.

She turns to you, ears perking up she pads over with a tail swish and sits in front of you.

"Uh... where's your master?" You raise a brow as she tilts her head.

She lays down and rolls to her side in submission to you.





"Come here you!" You coo and crouch down to pet her big head.

You were always a sucker for cats

She purrs as your pet her big fluffy head. Tail swaying lazily as you do, her eyes close once you get under her chin. "Whose a good kitty? Whose a precious bean? You are~ Yes you are~" You coo with a giggle, baby talk to a demon.

Cat always bring out emotion in you.


She keeps purring before getting up. You pull your hands away and look at her. Her fur was a deep black, but swirls of reddish purple happen too. Her eyes were a brilliant red, glowing every so slightly. They spoke volumes of her intelligence. Her ears suddenly deflate and she growls before standing and trotting behind you, her tail coils a bit around your waist as she looks up.

You follow her gaze to see a bird fly by before circling off and heading back they way it came. She growls at it before trotting after it before stopping and turning her head to you, she gestures with her head for you to follow.

You debate.

Follow the strange kitty?

Y-you can't say no, she let you pet her!

With a sigh you nod and step after her as she trots after the bird.

Why must cats be the only weakness you have!?


"You will not believe what that cat did!" Griffon shouts as he slows and gracefully lands on Vs' stretch arm.

"Try me." He speaks, he was just outside Nicos' van. They were a few miles away from where he originally lost his familiars.

"She went and found a human! And something is off about the human too!" He flips his wings before bringing them back to his sides looking at the raven haired male. He hums curiously. Some commotion was heard in the van as it rocks a bit.

The door swings open and Nero jumps out as a wrench is tossed above his head, barely missing.

"Ai told you my work ain't cheap dumbass!" Nico storms tot he door with another wrench ready to toss. "Quit breakin ya damn arms!" She points said wrench to the white haired male who puts his hands up in defense.

"It isn't my fault they are so fragile! Make them better!" He gestures with a face, half dodges when the enraged women raises the wrench in a warning throw.

"Wha'do I keep tellin ya! Don't let the demons smack you around so much!" She stomps her foot.

"Hey like I can help that!" Nero swings his hand with a scoff.

"Oh so you admit to being a crappy fighter!?"

"I didn't say that don't put words in my mouth!" He points at her in anger.

"Ooohoho I will put somethin in ya mouth!" She points right back at him with the wrench before raising it up.

"V help me out she's crazy!" Nero pleads watching the wrench.

"I'd much rather stay out of it." He watches with a smirk as Griffon kicks off and flies above.

"I make those with love and care and you go breakin'em!" Nico starts off again as V walks off a few feet to get away from the commotion.

Griffon lands next to him on a fallen wall of debris with another wing stretch and looks around before whispering "Pretty kitty is bringing the human back here by the way. Should we tell them?" He gestures to the duo arguing.

"I suppose. But they seem to be in a mood." V sighs and "Let use, meet them half way." He starts the way Griffon had originally came from to meet his familiar and her new companion.

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