Chapter 6

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V narrows his eyes.

The way you said that single sentence, it did not sound right to him.

It hit his ears funny and he didn't like it. You were so calm petting Shadows' head who just happily purred, tail lazily swaying.

"Pardon me.. I don't think I follow what you are trying to say." He speaks, Griffon flaps his wings but stays put on his spot "I knew there was something off about you! You are not human.. right!?" He squawks.

You stand, Shadow cracks open her eyes and watches you before standing too. "How much do you know about the biblical origin story? The garden of Eden, Adam... Eve?" You stretch your arms over you head, still very much tired from the lack of sleep.

"Just about the same amount as any.. God made the garden and in it grew many plants, and housed many animals, he created Adam and from his rib, Eve... then you have the whole... Snake charming her to eat an apple and they both are cast from the garden by an angry God... what does this have to do with you? Or your statement?"

"Figures you wouldn't know either. It wasn't never specifically an apple by the way.. just a fruit." You sigh. Meet his eyes you speak.

"Lilith was the first female. Adam begged God for a companion, God took dust and made Lilith. But she wasn't anything like Eve or what Adam wanted, she wanted to be equal partners with Adam, he just wanted a submissive mate who did what he said no questions asked. Lilith refused his advances and demanded equality, and when Adam refused... she fled the garden in anger..."

You pause, V had his eyes on you, listening intently.

"God sent angels after her to return her to the garden and she stood her ground and refused to be taken back to a place where she wasn't seen as a living thing but an object to be used. When the angels reported this back to God he told Adam and Adam demanded she be punished and he get a new companion.." Your voice was empty, no emotion came from your words as you had bits of your own memories flash before you as you told this tale.

"..God would do anything for his first true creation, so he did as asked... he took Adams rib and created Eve.. the lesser to Adam and the submissive he truly desired. Lilith was tossed into a still newborn hell that had yet to take real shape, a place where demons would eventually call home. But Lilith wasn't just shoved in there and left to rot... she was put into an eternal torture by the hands of a long forgotten Arch angel.. Lucifer who thought hurting, punishing Lilith would get him back into Gods good fortune and get him back into heaven. Of course, over the course of thousands of years Lucifer realized it didn't matter what he did, he would never be allowed back there, so he stopped."

You pause to take a breath, shaky, like you could feel those wounds crawling back upon your flesh. You lightly touch your arm, digging a nail slightly into it to ground yourself in a way.

"But her punishment didn't come without... consequences. Every drop of blood spilled from her, a demon would manifest from her hatred towards God, her spit towards Adam and rage in herself for being so weak against her creator and.. "husband"." Venom was laced in the word husband, you had to stop yourself from actually spitting.

V's eyebrows knitted as he took in word for word what you had spoken. Griffon had remained silent and Shadow just rest her cheek on your hip as you pet her.

"That very blood would eventually seep so far into the earth, that it would sprout the very tree behind us, the blood fed it, nourished it to the point it broke the surface of the planet and it's roots covered the land for the very first time, long before man truly had a collective conscious, it devoured the world whole and Lilith walked the mortal realm for the first time in aeons. That story among demons, that Mundus was the first to grow the tree to gain it's power and Sparda cut it and him down, is a lie." You cross your arm under your chest. Letting the information settle. V wasn't moving, nore speaking, he was looking between you and Shadow as if he could gleam some light on all of it.

You grit your teeth as you remembered it all, walking through the surface taking it all in, letting the tree do as it wished before eating the fruit it bore, then taking the throne and letting life regrow anew... letting it take shape till the day he came and you past over the throne, so bored out of your mind and desiring something else... just handing it over to him.

"I gave it to him! I gave him the throne to the Qliphoth after ruling over it for centuries bored out of my mind, he had the throne but none of its true power. The tree has to die to bare new fruit, so he lied to said he had it, then Sparda spread the false tale of him cutting the tree down and Mundus. The tree is connected to the life force of the one who grew it, you give blood first to grow the tree, since I handed him the throne he had no say in what happened to the Qliphoth, but I still did so I waited.. I gave him his dream of power and when Sparda went to battle him I cut the core to the tree out and let it die as they fought. The tree crumbled and retracted back into the core of the earth as a new seed, just waiting for new blood."

V couldn't keep his jaw from dropping at all this collected information, he was having a hard time processing it.

"Shadow trusts me, because I created her, my blood, created her... not her exactly but her family blood line, all demons are from my blood. Some can tell and they react either with respect like the Geryon, or they want me dead thinking they will gain some sort of power or title from it."

Griffon was the next for his jaw to drop, he blinked at you looking you over before trying to play it off. "Ya want us to believe that you are some powerful demon queen, who just... hands over thrones to lesser demons who want them cause you're... what was it.. bored?"

"I wouldn't trust that, not in a million years! Ha! What a load of shit!"

"I do have to agree with my familiar on this one.. you have not shown any sign of such power... or anything that would make me question that you are not human or demon." V speaks watching you closely but you could tell he was, uneasy about the whole situation.

"I only use the full extent of my power on those who need it, a strong enemy. Not just any hoard or straggler demon. I can see why you don't trust my words, you don't know me enough, fair. I can only go so far as showing you my real form...."

"That ain't gonna cut it, you might just need to show us some of that... raw, strong power you so claim to have!" Griffon mocks at the end with a snark chuckle.

"What do you want me to do!? Blow up a whole section of the city!?"

"Well yeah if that is what it takes!?" He barks back V sighs.

"Are you serious right now!? The city is already hell, it is going to take years to rebuild and you want me to blow up half of it!?" You stomp your foot.

"That would be a sight... if you could do it." The bird turns his head sassily to the side away from you.

"Oh I can do it, I could even go so far as slicing the base of the tree wide open but you guys wanna sneak in and get the upper hand." You snark throwing your arms in the air.

They look to you quickly V opens and closes his mouth before collecting himself with a sigh. "Could you really?" He asks.


He hums with a tap of his cane, thinking then turning off on his heel. "Let me call Nico and Nero... if we do it this way... might make it easier on us..." He heads towards the nearest phone booth. Griffon flaps after him.

You blink in shock then sigh sitting on a bench before laying down, you needed sleep if you are going through with this.


I am switching the plan just slightly. Getting the demon sword and Dante will remain true to the game and everything after, the only thing changing is how you get into the Qliphoth cause... I needed some more badassness from Reader and who doesn't like flexing power, ya know?? Everything that happens while getting down to Urizen is still going to be the same as well minus any actions by the reader.

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