Chapter 7

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"I am shocked you actually left her ass back there." Griffon flaps above V as he walks through the ruined city.

"She will be fine. Besides, we have more pressing matters. We must find the demon sword sparda if we have any hope of putting an end to this." He carefully moves around some rubble from a fallen building keeping his guard up.

"Ya sure you are really worried about finding the sword? Cause I think you are just seeing how long it takes before she comes looking for ya." Griffon cackles when he feels V's emotions spike through their bond. Griffon snorts and flaps in front of his face with somewhat of a smirk on his beak "I knew it! You freak! Ya want her to come after you once she helps Nero back in the tree, you hopeless romantic, huh?" V hits him with his cane just enough to startle the bird and send him away with a squeak.

Griffon lifts himself higher to avoid the hit and keeps a safe distance after that.

"I am doing no such thing." V states, but he knew, Griffon knew he was lying.

Ever since you had mentioned who.. and what you really were he was. Interested as well as a little concerned.

He had never thought such a biblical tale was true. It seemed so made up, even in a world were demons are real. The idea of Adam and Eve to be true.. or that Lilith was a real figure too. That also means there is a God, and Satan. V shook his head.

He hated to think God was real. With all the hardships he has had to go through, as Virgil and as his new form. What God would allow such things? Of course, he was no one of importance. So maybe that is why he didn't matter to this world as either people. He scowled at the thought and kept walking.

But the fact remained. You are still the first women to have ever exist. And barely anyone ever admits this fact when preaching the bible, you were tossed from history itself in a sense.

Part of him wondered how that made you feel.

He stepped over some debris just as he heard a loud explosion with a bright light appearing and shooting off towards the tree. He paused and watched as it erupted once making contact with it, bits were sent flying in every direction and a crack formed from where it was hit all the way up the trunk, roots shot out to repair and protect it.

"Holy shit!" Griffon shouted flying higher to get a better view. "She blasted a fucking hole in the thing! A fucking hole!" V was actually stunned. He was at least 20 miles from where you were, he had left the moment he told you Nico and Nero were heading to the tree trusting you to be able to clear a path as you had stated, the second those words left his lips he turned and left, you to turned to get high ground to watch for them.

He hadn't thought he'd see it from all the buildings, he wasn't in any sort of clearing to see most of the tree, so to be able to see that hit. Well he was very stunned.

"Note to self.. don't piss off girly anymore!" Griffon flew back down.

"And to think," V started as he turned once more and walked "she could have done that to you, this whole time." He could feel a slight fear creep up on Griffon as the bird realized it.

"Y-Yeah o-ok no more pissing her off." He repeats to himself and flaps after V.

"Guess your game starts now. See how long it takes for her to find you." Griffon starts to tease again, V lifts his cane as if to hit him, the bird ducks down and ends up smacking into a pole, V lets himself smirk at that as said bird sinks down the pole and lands on his back on the ground.

"Seems even the universe tires of you." V remarks and walks once more feeling his familiar return to his body, grumbling and annoyed.

He is starting to see why you prefer Shadow.

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