Chapter 8

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"I think we need a rest Shakespeare." Griffon remarks as V leans on his cane a little to heavily with a sigh.

"We will be fine. We must press on." V pushes back his bangs as Shadow trots over , circling around him as her gaze takes in the surroundings.

"Ya sure? Cause I feel how tired you are getting." Griffon states flapping just above V's head "Maybe we should take a break, late girly catch up with us a little." He finishes as Shadow sits by V's leg looking up at him almost in agreement.

"No." He straightens up and steps forward, Shadow quickly follows.

"Ya sure? She isn't that far, her power is getting closer." Griffon shouts looking behind them to where he could feel her energy flowing.

"Yes." V replies, he steps over broken stairs and down a ledge looking towards a tunnel of sorts and heads in.

With a sigh his bird companion follows.


You watched as Nero stood outside the tree, Nico in the van behind him, you had the perfect vantage point to see them as Nero waved he was ready before heading into the van and closing the door. You nodded to yourself and stretched your arms up.

Blasting a hole into this thing wouldn't be that hard for you, but you would stay in your more demonic form for a while after while your powers calmed down. You inhale to calm yourself before stepping off the roof of the building and onto the air itself with a click of your heel. You walk a short distance from the building as your feel your skin burn off, under it grows a harder flesh of purple, your torso and hips grow a little scaly, your knees bending backwards and leg hair growing out to become fur, your feet shift to hooves with each step. You feel pressure on your hand as your horns come in a curve out, and from the center of your forehead a smaller one forms and curves up an inch. Your nails grow longer, canines turn to fangs, and you feel your irises dilate to nothing as your eyes turn a deep passionate red color.

You feel the ebb and flow of your power throughout your body. Inhaling the scents around you, picking up all kinds of smells your human form could only dream of being able to sense. A sigil glows behind you, a nice gold color as it spins around, circles within circles with markings of dead languages float within, you crack your knuckles then neck before slashing the air in front of you with your hand.

The sigil behind you splits into separate forms in front of where you slashed before rotating into a new circle with you standing in the center. You glance at the tree, the base would be the best beat seeing as it had a weaker foundation where Nero and V had taken out some roots.

You sat your eyes there before flicking your arm out in front of you and with a quick snap that echos in the sky a beam shoots out right to the tree, resulting in a massive explosion, you hear the tree cracking off, bits are sent flying in various directions, the ground cracked out from the tree, you see Nico rear off into the smoke that came from the impact as roots shoot out to cover up the wound, demons run towards the tree as if to protect it from anything that dare enter.

You shoot more attacks at them to help the others make it safely inside.

As the smoke clears a massive hole is shown in the tree clean through the center roots that carrier the blood they gather.

"What a shame... was hoping for a clear shot through." You muse to yourself then shrug. "Oh well, guess I am rusty after all."

You wait for the tree to start mending the wound with roots, knowing the others got in safe you take your leave to find V.


You bolt off in the direction V went, slashing through demons mere minutes before they know your presence is there. Shooting off beams and spears and impaling them to nothing as you chase V's scent.

You take the time to think as you go about murdering your own children.

V was... a mystery. But so charming in his own right.

He wasn't like any other human you met in your long... long life. He wasn't really full of emotions, he seemed to only have 2 that he showed, Joy for poetry, but nothing else, and desire for whatever his plan through all this was. You have no idea what his end goal is, but you know it has nothing to do with helping the others. He just makes it seem that way.

And on occasion he will crack a joke, and find it funny when Griffon gets teased or mocked. You have seen his smirk, he hides it when he is about to laugh at whatever the others put Griffon through.

He intrigued you greatly cause he isn't like others. He seems like he, in a sense, is in his own little world. Aware of the outside, but has no real interested in it.

Kinda like you where back in the tree.

The other 3 humans are easy to read. Though Lady took you a while since you haven't been around her to much, hell you haven't been around any of them long, just a week but you have been around humans, pretending to be human, so you get a quick read on most. And V was hiding something!

Whatever it was.

You want to kick his ass for whatever emotions he is stirring inside you. You might have been around for thousands of years, but even you have no idea what the hell emotions really feel like, or are. You have kept them bottled for so long, use to being numb, use to pretending.

So why the hell is he making you feel all weird inside, you want to be around him more, want to bug the shit out of Griffon more just to get a reaction from V, a smirk, a laugh, something. You feel all.. shy when he chuckles at something you do.

What the hell are emotions man!?

You slash an impusa's head off with a growl before shoving your blade into the ground and tugging at your hair trying to calm yourself down. "Fuck sake why am I thinking so much about it! I didn't fell this way with Adam! Why now.. Why am I not use to this anymore?" You sigh taking a few deep breaths. Slowing gaining yourself back

"I... didn't love Adam... is this love? Or..maybe a crush? It has to be one of the two I barely know the guy..." You pull your weapon out and take a few more breaths to know you are calmed down before bolting off again.

You would have to get to know V to truly understand what it is you are feeling.

With her HelpOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara