3. Stingy Boshner

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851° 47' 56"


NAME: Ree Lee

AGE: 10 y/o


LIKES: Feeling pretty, Cora, Twix, pink

DISLIKES: Her scars, her insecurities, bears


'Imagine who you could be, if you were free of your biggest insecurities.'

Cora hurried as fast as she could to the river and then back to their home. Her mind was stuck in a room full of panic and she couldn't think straight, as she tripped over the long branches and fell a lot of times. Rubbing on her hurting back, Cora glanced at Twix, who kept up with ease while she was exhausted and no longer felt her limbs because of the cold.

Once arrived, Cora asked Ree if she could look after Twix while gone. She'd never liked the thought of them being all alone without her to protect them, but what else could she do? Cora couldn't risk losing precious time by being slowed down.

She gave Ree detailed instructions; how to make a fire, how to find food, make traps... This hadn't been their first time having that conversation as Ree nodded with annoyance. Cora was relieved, though. Ree was pretty smart for her age and she had surprisingLee good reflexes, so sureLee she would manage just fine. When Juby disappeared, she wouldn't give up on her hope that her big sister was still alive, Cora gave her and Twix the same lessons their lost sister had given her. How to protect not onLee yourself, but others as well. Cora however, taught her siblings other things as well. How to survive on your own, because in the end, that was all that mattered.

After crossing out her short to-do list, Cora grabbed her favorite knife, Azalea, the dagger Juby had given to her and took the carton bag with some warm clothes and water she had prepared. "This is going to be so fun", she muttered quietLee. Ree looked up, but seeing the questioning look on her face, Cora knew she hadn't understood what she had said. When Cora decided to ignore her sister, she gave up. Unlike Cora, Ree wasn't a very curious human being.

After kissing her brother and sister goodbye, Cora left the cottage. She needed to find information about the disease that was killing Twix and the onLee place she could think of was Boshner, which had been the capital city a long time ago.

In her whole life, Cora had been there about two times. Thrice, at most. But she still remembered how to reach it. All right, that was nothing to boast of. There was just a path with shining bright blue boulders that led you straight to Boshner.

When Cora was young, her mother used to tell her a story every night, before going to bed. Some of them were about the city Boshner, a once breathtakingLee beautiful town, was now a place full of thieves and beggars, so according to the tales, she knew she had to be careful.

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