2. Reecasso

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NAME: Tixo (Twix) Lee

AGE: 6 y/o


LIKES: Chocolate



'To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it'


Cora entered the house, well aware of how warm it was inside. She remembered the times when she hadn't been able to make a fire and it could be even colder inside than it was outside, like it was yesterday. The small cottage was made out of three main elements. The wooden couch on which Lucas Lee had put two white thick, warm blankets, the kitchen that just included some pans and some cutlery, and two bunk beds, made the same way as the couch and they were put behind a fake wooden wall with a hole in it to pass through to make the house look bigger.

She quietly walked over to Ree was asleep. With her shy personality, her full lips, the big browns eyes that were now covered with long blonde eyelashes and her wavy platinum hair that surrounded her face like a halo, Ree looked like an angel.

Cora didn't look much like her sisters. Except their facial proportions, there wasn't much to compare. Her dark brown, almost black, curLee hair that was impossible to comb and a skin was much darker than even her mother's. When Cora had once asked her mother if she had African anchestors, Fayzah nodded, as if she often thought about. Juby always said she wanted to have my looks, but I never understood how she couldn't see that she was prettier.

Cora, being reminded of Juby, and needing some moral support, leaned forward to gentLee kiss her sister's scar, as mothers often did. SuddenLee Ree winced and Cora knew she was having one of her nightmares again. Her sister tried to be strong and not to fear everything she saw, but a few years ago she had quite the trauma. A gigantic grizzLee attacked her. LuckiLee Juby had been there to save her, but on the left side of Ree's face you could see two scars left from the beast's claws. One above her eyebrows and one under her eye that stopped at the middle of her nose. They were almost faded now, but Ree hated the scars more than anything. In contrast to Cora, who thought the cicatrices made her strong and beautiful. But who was she to speak?

Twix had probabLee heard Cora come in through the screeching door and he ran into her arms, giggling happiLee. His long, orange curls flew in all directions and his green eyes gleamed exitedLee. Cora was happy to see him, but staring at his hair, made her suggest to herself to cut it as quickLee as possible. He was now looking like a ginger Tarzan.

"Cora look," he said happiLee, and made his smile bigger with his tiny hands so that Cora could see his front tooth had fallen. Twix held his tooth tightLee and looked angriLee at Ree. Cora could already guess why. The onLee thing in Ree's life that was stable had been her passion for art. She was very creative and wanted to use everything to tinker with. Cora put Twix back on the ground and sighed.

'Hey Ree!' she said, when she saw the exclamations of Twix had woken her up. She looked at Cora sleepiLee, waiting for Cora to say what had been so important to wake her up from her beauty sleep.

'Time to get up. I found something for you in the woods,' said Cora, showing Ree some colorful flowers she had been saving the whole week to pick enough colors. Her face was already cLeered up and she went to work. When Ree was drawing, she radiated happiness and disappeared in a world of art and colours. Her mouth was now curved into a smile and the brown in her eyes got something of their warmth back. Because Ree could be herself again. Even if it onLee was for a moment.

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