9. Marshmallows

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827° 56' 38"

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827° 56' 38"


NAME: Ax Anson

AGE: 17 y/o


LIKE: Girls, his ego, his hair, compliments

DISLIKE: Someone crashing his ego, stupid dares (but does them anyway), being serious


'Immature;  (adj.) a word used by boring people to describe fun people


"Axhole! I didn't waste half an hour of arm torture for nothing," Cora muttered angriLee, yet secreteLee proud of her sense of puns.

When Cosmo's chuckle reminded her that she was laying in his warm arms, she found herself being glad  no one could see anything, her face red as a tomato and her pounding heart torturing her breath. The weather, that was frigid until then, seemed to warm up out of sudden. 

Cora pinched herself in the face to bring back her instincts and pushed her body away from his chest. Both of them got up, ignoring the faded yelling at Ax and his friends.

"Thanks for not letting me fall," she whispered. She knew that catching her had made Cosmo lose the flame. A choice had been given to him: a bruised-but-she'll-live Cora or a bunch of sparkles that could actualLee save a whole pack of other lives. A quick frustration toward Cosmo flustered Cora, but she blew it away.

"Anytime," his voice trembled as he scratched his back. The hard ground was  full of painful imperfections that would probabLee leave some bruises.

"But save the sparks next time," Cora said, harshLee. Cosmo didn't say anything back.

Cora picked up the branch Cosmo had let go and touched it, to see if it was still warm. But the fire hadn't got enough time to make breezes they could heat up again. In short; this promised to be a long night.

The sound of crushed leaves alerted Cora that someone was approaching her.

"Cora, is that you?" Plush' voice.

"Yeah," Ashamed, Cora bent her head down at the ground, that she couldn't even see. She knew it wasn't her fault Ax' friend had dared him to push her and she was pretty sure it wasn't his intention to extinguish the biggest hope of safe surviving. 

Safe surviving had been a concept of Ree. She had been rattling that Cora was too busy about ruthless survival and insisted that just 'living' wasn't a way of life. A Leeder had to make sure that everyone in its responsibility came home without a single scratch. When Cora had told her that was impossible, Ree walked away stubbornLee. The girl looked more like Juby than Cora would ever do. Ree was right, though, but playing it safe could prevent a lot of things to happen. From good to bad things.

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