First day of High

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"Ugh why did I approve of this..." grumbled a certain brown haired person, black coat hung around his shoulder waving in the air, he brushed his bangs aside and looked up in the sky meeting the blazing light of the sun, narrowing them ever so slightly before grinning 'looks like things won't be that boring now can they?' .

"Issei !" 'yep they can't...'

"Hey Vali !"


"For all the damage done by us, I apologize..." Sirzechs bowed his head low, even though they messed up hard, he was willing to repent for the greater good.

"No, you did what could for the good of your people, if I were you I would have done the same you know, nothing above our people at the end of the day, right?"

"Right..." a smile cracked on Issei's face as he extended his arm towards the red headed powerhouse, a grateful smile met a smile filled with understanding sentiments.

Resolution and treaties were filled with a hope and will for the greater future were signed over papers and faces of the people in the meeting.

New bonds formed, shared emotions raged in every being but one thing was sure

From tomorrow this world was going to be formed anew...


"Issei-san, can you please tell the answer of this equation presented on the board ?" the mathematics teacher pointed towards the board while asking the in-famous brown haired emperor.

"Ah yes why not..." moving towards the board, the ruler of void solved the question with ease leaving a gobsmacked expression on fellow students and a surprised teacher in the dust, walked down to his desk right next to his best friend who had welcoming smile on her face.

"W-well nicely done Issei-san, Class ! I think that should be enough right down the homework for the next class, the questions are as following.." the silent buzzing of the early-thirty voice and chirping of birds was the only thing heard in the silent classroom, the students darted down the notes and homework whilst looking at the teacher for instructions.


"Thank you sir !" the class stood up and bowed to the now walking teacher, they sat down and started talking among themselves, but our emperor had some other plans for the break...

"psst, Vali- what do ya' say ditch this class eh?" he grinned evilly while asking his friend, even though she knew that they could not come the whole school year then too score excellent marks in every test, she wasn't going to miss the classes just for a short break. A scolding look made it's way up to her face, her face wrinkled into a frown but didn't have the chance to say anything as the brown head grabbed her arm pulling her out of her chair and rushing back in the hall way.

Laughing at how hilarious it was, Vali ran up-to him, "Race ya' to the club house, the last one will be the sore egg !"

Life was going good.

5 minutes later...

Bursting through the fancy door having a golden plate on top of it saying "The Occult Research Club" The teenagers laughed as they panted a bit.

Rias Gremory, or simply Rias as they said now, was sitting on one of the couch of the fancy European looking room, fancy smooth dark oak coffee table with 2 couches on either sides laid in the rather big room, a desk with a comfy chair was placed at the end of the room, a pantry at the side and a big window also made it's way into the vision.

"Oh hello there, Issei-senpai, Vali-senpai " the sweet voice of the red head was heard in the room placing her tea on the coffee table she stood up greeting her seniors, Issei just waved it off whilst Vali made her way towards the kouhai and sat down next to her, Issei just made his way towards the desk and sat on-top of it, scanning through the folders presented to him, many of which were just school stuff, others were from the alliance addressing all the trades which were cut-off prior to the great war.

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