6.I'd Still Pick Converse

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I hummed/ to the tune of A Thoudsand Years as we neared the mall. I watched other cars as I drive. No wonder mother earth is dying because of this oh so polluted cars...*sigh* I parked at the parking lot and gave the fee to the guard. I turned to Kyle.

"Where to squirt?!"

He raised a brow at me.

"You're the woman. You tell me."

"Fine. Hollister it is"

We turned and walked and passed a dozen stores until we reached our destination. I went inside and took a deepo breath. Well,this is it

"Let's do this"

Kyle nodded and I began my search from the racks of clothes. I found a shirt w/c looks expensive and well it is Expensive. I grabbed it. Well,I have money to pay for this. I finished my shopping spree at Hollister with a dozen shirts and blouses.

"Next stop. Rue 21"

I hurried to the store because my feet are a bit sore from that shopping. It had been an hour since we arrived anyways.

We again began to find the outfits that I want. Being a billionaire's daughter has its perks and this is just one of those.

My Mom was surprised when I asked if I could borrow her card for shopping and she agreed with a wide on her lips. She was like 'I'm so glad you're changing your style,gun. Your old one was too nerdy' I rolled my eyes at her. Mothers.

I picked three colorful blouses,four flats,and five dresses.

We went to a store I won't mention because it terrifies me to even say its god forsaken name.

"What are you doing?!"

I snapped out of my daze as Kyle clapped his hands.


"Go inside now. Were getting you shoes. The one with heels on it"

He said like its nothing. Of course he's a boy. I trmblef with fear as I entered the store. There were those terrifying kinds of shoes that can kill you. What were those? Stilletos? That sounds edible. Like Pringles. Yummm. They should have named it something like a more appropriate for a shoe. Not a name for a supposed to be delicious snack. People this days.

"Come on."

Kyle dragged me to the section were there were bold letters on it saying 'wedges'

Now isn't that the stupid thing they to to boys????oh pls enlighten me...

"Pick anything you like"

I eyed the racks of shoes.

"Can we just go to the store where its full of converse?or the other one with vans??"

I asked hopefully but he shook his head no. I pouted like a child. Don't get me wrong. I'm a child. A child at heart.

"Fine. But you'll be the one to be responsible if I die wearing this"

"I take an oath to Athena"

"Why not Zeus?"

"Because my dear friend, Athena is hot"

I rolled my eyes. Bringing mythology in shopping.

"Whatever. I'd still pick converse over any shoe anytime"

This is what I call kidnapping. Where someone drags you out of your comfort zone and forces you into something. Or can I file human trafficking??? Or maybe attempted murder???suicide???homicide???possession of firearms???

Heck...I know!!!!!!!!LIBEL!!!!!!!!


I snapped out of my daze.


"Are you planning ways to murder me?"


I told him patting his shoulder playfully"

"Mkay... Let's get you a shoe then ms. I -dont-wear-heels"

I chuckled. Well buddy,I'm not planning for your death. I'm planning a lawsuit for you. How bout trespassing. Its clear that he's trespassing in my peace.. Or maybe robbery??wait!why would I sue him for robbery.. For stealing !my time??

Anyways!!! I'm gonna get back to this moron..

Hmn..I wonder if he have this what they call 'taste' in shoes.

There's only one way to see....hehehe..

Hey wabbas.....
How's your day/evening/afternoon???better than yesterday I hope? Guys,random question. Can they sue you libel if you only wrote what's true???they can't write???should I consult someone for this??? Anyways... This chappy is dedicated to @Queen_Cecily. She's so awesome and sweet. Hey sistah!!!thanks for voting!!! And hey,airam!!!!thanks for being the first one to comment here!!!see ya soon bae!!!

Song for the chapter:
Who Says↪Selena Gomez.

Oh and I'm starting with the 'song of the chapter' thing.

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