4.Encounter With The She-Devil

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Clarisse trailed off.

"Mr. Handsome here is the knight in shining armor of Ms. Nerd. How cliché...."

Her minions laughed out loud. As in LOL!!!!!!!LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!! I mean who would want to laugh their lungs out?!showing their tonsils along the way!!! If they only knew that they looked like retards.. Well,they are!!!!!

What I didn't expect is for Kyle to stand up for me and that was the last thing on my mind. Actually it wasn't on my mind.

"First,I don't know you bitch and Gwen isn't a nerd. And yes!I am her knight in shining armor.. Got a problem with that slut?!"

I saw his eyes flash a little bit darker than the usual and his aura was radiating something like'dont fuck w/ me' and the look in his eyes agree just that.

"I uh ahm..."

Clarisse stutters and didn't know what to say.

"Cat got your tongue,whore?!"

And that was me speaking. Woah! Where did that came from?

Haha I think its because of Kyle being on my side.

When I thought all was over, the she-devil gathered herself and spoke.

"What game are you playing Kyle Cullen?! Care to drop the act and go to my place and f*ck?!"

Clarisse flung her breasts at him and wrapped her arms around his torso. Then trailed her manicured nail on his chest.

The look on Kyle's face was horrid like he wanted to pry Clarisse. And I think he's just gonna do that....right now.

"What the effing waffle sticks and cheese!!!! Keep your filthy hands to your self b*tch!!! Im not playing any games and I don't want to get into your pants w/c probably had been the hiding place of 99% of the world's std's!!!"

Told you guys so.. I couldn't control myself so yeah. I laughed like I just got released from a mental asylum somewhere. You should have seen the look on Clarisse! She better sport that face! It looks good on her. I think I should stop laughing now. I'm sure I sound like a maniac.

"Ugh!!!I hate you and you'll pay for it!!!"

With her 'speech' finished. She walked out of the cafeteria with her 'loyal' minions at her tail. Thanks be to God.

"I so f*cking hate her!"

"You and I both"

I replied to him.

"You know,you should be popular with that attitude of yours"

I looked at Kyle with disbelief. He can't be serious right?!

"Don't give me that look,Munchkin, I mean you have the looks,the likes,the brains,the money and..."

I blushed at his statement but I encouraged him to go on.

"Lastly... Me!!!"

"You cocky son of duck!!!!! Prepare to die!!!"

"What did I do?!"

"You're so cocky for my liking!"

"You shouldn't kill me!"

"Tell me a good reason why"

"Uhm,I just saved your ass "

I glanced at him and the jerk is smirking. Geez! He's got a point there. Alright I won't kill him. Yet.*evil smirk*

"You win this round Cullen but next time I will be personally decapitating you and I will separate your family jewels from you and hang them in the flagpole. Understood?!"

I saw him gulp. Its now my turn to smirk. Great! I scare him



"Yes your royal Highness"

"Yes your royal highness?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Yes your royal highness of Beautiness who loves eating gummy bears and who will wed a handsome prince who is just so handsome that anyone who meets him might just die because of his mere presence except her of course,"

I clapped my hands and rushed to his side. The little speech was written by yours truly. He also have one that he will use to mock me when I lost something like a wagger or something or whatever. I don't care.

"You know someday you'll recite what I wrote that day."

I faked hurt and clutched my chest for effects.

"You know munchkin that won't work. That expression is so over bought ten years ago"

"I was just hoping it still hasn't"

I said and shrugged.

"Come on. Let's get you going. I see that you're tired"

We strolled towards his black Lambhorgini.

You see I have my own car but ever since I met him,he fetches me from school. I myself have a Porsche w/c is a sleek silver but I don't flaunt it off in school. Where can you see a nerd with a Porsche anyways?! The ride home was silent. Too silent for my liking but I didn't start a conversation. Then we were home. Too soon I guess.

"Thanks for the ride"  ta him and made way for his door.

"problemlem munchkin. Anything for my best friend"

I got out and flashed him another smile before waving my hand. He returned the wave back and drove pass the neighborhood. I sighed. Best friend.

I walked to my room and turned the night lamp on.
Dear Jerkface or whatever you are,
Today has been long. Loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg. Incredibly long. I had a fight with the resident slut and you know what is?! Kyle stood up for me*squeals* and I surprised myself at how I managed to talk back to clarisse like that earlier. I felt so strong and not the naive little girl I always bee have. Any ways... I'm gonna sleep now. Tomorrow's another day,do you agree?well I don't care anyways.
_being hated and loathed_
Gwen Summers.

I shut the light off kiss no one in particular good night. The irony of being an only child in one big house.

After a few minutes of thinking about Harry Styles.... I dozed off into what I like to call 'aaaaaaaagghhhfflnsuduj' aka DREAM ZONE....

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