Ghost in the Garage

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"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal

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"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."



Emily and the rest of the parents were cheering on Carlos as he was close to home plate, just as he slid though the catcher tapped him out, ending the game. "Good try, guys! Good try!" She shouted, clapping her hands along with the other watchers. Getting up from the rock hard, wooden bench Emily stretched before joining the other parents who were waiting to pick up their kids. 

"Mom!" Her sons voice came towards her before she felt pressure around her mid section. "Did you see how close I was to gaining another run."

Emily just laughed as she patted the boys head. "Yes I did, mijo. You did really amazing today and Aunt Maya said she wished she could have been here like she planned, but Zari was giving her some hard times today."

"It's alright, I had you here to watch and there's other games that she could see." He shrugged, but giving his mom a fake glare as he pointed his finger at her. "But, she better come to the next one, I don't care if she has to bring baby Zari with her or not." 

"Deal, but I think todays game deserve a treat. What do you think?"

"What do I think? You're kidding me, right!" He shouted looking at his mom, making her laugh as they walked towards her car, Carlos sprinting towards the mini van with eagerness. "Hurry up mom, that ice cream ain't going to buy its self!"

"I'm walking as fast as I can, you little twerp." She shouted back, before going a little faster towards the bouncy kid, already somewhat regretting her words, emphasis on somewhat, since she was also wanting some chocolate ice cream, but he didn't need to know that.


Carlos and Emily were walking towards the house, goofing around on the way by trying to push each other off the sidewalk and into the grass. The two were laughing, until they heard the familiar screaming coming from Julie as she ran towards them from the garage. 


"Whoa! Hey!" Catching Julie by her shoulders. "Whoa! Slow down, you look like you've seen a ghost." Joking around with her daughter, only for Julies face to grow more frightened. "I have!"


"Not cool!" Julie said angrily towards her brother, before running towards the door. "Run!" 

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