Drunk Night

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"A Sleepover Party?" The blue haired woman glared at the three figures standing in front of her, two of which smiling widely with pure happiness while the other, to their opposite, the dull grump written all over his face as his common slouch was seen as his usual way of showing of uninterest and probably just been radnomly snatched by the two culprits based on his uncleaned attire from fixing the smoke engine matter a while ago..

her eyes stopped staring and went over towards the tallest figure among them "In his house, are you serious?"

The tall man pouted, letting out a disappointed groan

"Aw come on Coraline! It'll be fun! And besides...Wybie is with us! You're not gonna leave your science pal would ya?" Hearing his name to call out the shorter one flinched in panic as he simulataneously shifted his stares towards the three

"W-wait..of course..I don't want to..." he muttered and crossed his arms helplessly when another woman shook his arm with a smile, she slipped her curly hair out of the way

"It'll be fine Cora, I promise..."

Coraline rolled her eyes "Oh I'm not letting the fun die Winnie, I was just making sure that your friend here is okay with that idea of yours.."

"Like I said Jonesy, I don't wan't fu-"


Winnie interrupted as she soon pushed the two boys inside the house with a grim "this is going to be so much fun, isn't it Eggs?"

The tall man nodded with snap of his fingers "I'll handle the drinks!"

"Bummer.." Wybie muttered, timidly walking upstairs towards his room,

"I'm calling Kubo and Norman..." Coraline cheered walking through the telephone straight away, when a picture of Wybie's late parents captured her eyes, she nervously chuckled

"Mr. and Mrs. Lovat, I think we are going to occupying your house for tonight..."

Finally dialing through the phone, Coraline began to dial the number their companions for tonight

Closing the door shut behind him, Wyborn stared at his new mirror hanging by the wall with a bored look on his face and sighed

"This is going to be a looooooong day..."


To his surprise....it was indeed a very long day- erm well..night, to be exact...

And a very long number of visitors a soon as he opened the door casually sitting by the couch with their full grin grabbing booze on what Eggs said, drinks...

Wybie scratched his head

"Uh guys...could you tell me...what's the difference between eight and eleven?"

Eggs thought for a moment and answered "uh...I don't know? Three?"

"Then why are eleven people in total?" Asking hysterically as he closed the door shut, Coraline waved her hand to dismiss the question

"Because I invited them?"

Interrupting the commotion between them, the raven haired woman instantly waved her hand in enthusiasm as she noticed Wyborn confusingly standing by the staircase

"Oh hey, Twin!" She greeted with his nickname, Wybie helplessly wave back with a sigh

"Hello Aggie..seems like you joined the party as well huh?"

"Glad you came out of your shell Wybs..." the eyepatch man teased beside Aggie's seat with a chuckle

"Man, lucky Grandma wasn't here..." he whispered "she would have already killed me if that's the case...." peering his eyes towards the crowded people uncomfortably

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