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"Hey Eggs, can you pass me the beads over the counter for me, please?" Her voice pleaded, struggling to attempt of reachint the desired material before finally asking for assistance

To her grateful, he immediately understood and grabbed the item, handing her in a nick of time, even though she had already admit to herself that being alone on her workplace was much more comfortable to her preference

But it seems, he was an exception

And with a small thank you, he couldn't help but to stare at her while she worked

It's been a routine for them being like this, her doing all the job for her business while he became her personal assistant from time to time, Eggs had a lot of time spending with Winifred because of this frequent visit

Sometimes without talking, it was enough to admire her from afar without bothering her and he was proud with that because knew, it was already a big thing to Winifred

And she was beautifula and sweet in her own way

One of the reasons why he would rather stay inside and stare at her even for hours

If only there was something he could do something for her

Something that she would really like to do besides fashion that they mey both enjoy

It made himremembered one of those times on their recents dates that she mentioned about tasting a chocolate cake on one of malls they passed through during shopping

But alas, it didn't happened for almost a month because of how extremely busy her schedule became

Until, an idea came into his mind

     "Someone's calling for you.." her voice was weak and whispery after their long lavishing moments of passion, only the tension cutted out when a sudden phone call buzzed through the room, thus breaking the mood and stopping their tender showered kisses

But the one eyed man insisted to continue, frowning at the sound of the buzz

"It'll stop eventually.." he replied, turning his attention back at the raven haired haired woman comfortably plopped down on the pillows as she too was convinced by his words

The two continued on, trying all their best to ignore the buzz as they kissed, drowning themselves back into their fantasy

And as what he had expected, the phone stopped, They chuckled

Finally, there is nothing to disturbed them

With a small tug on his shoulder, Kubo was about to wrap his arms around Agatha's petite waist-

When another buzz alarmed the two

They groaned, finally breaking the entire mood, Kubo had no other choice but to crawl in complaint as he grabbed his phone

"Hello?" He answered with a little bit of patience of his voice

Agatha watched him from her own spot as she fixed her messy hair and loosen nightgown on her arms, as much as she had wanted the moment not get ruined, curiosity got the best through her as she noticed the sudden shift of surprise and confusion on Kubo's face

"Who is it?" Agatha asked in wonder

Kubo turned his head away and ppinted his phone as silent words came to his mouth

"It's Eggs..."

     "No, can't have treats anymore Bubzie.." the redhead chuckled as their pug whimpered towards the targeted donut on his owner's hand, until his other owner just in time he got out from the room, chuckled at the sight

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