Common mistakes

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This part will discuss common mistakes among christians people[weak Christians]  so you can avoid them, and tell your family/friends to not do it ✔♡

1. Thinking Jesus and God are not one, but two, this is a very common mistakes between what's so called Christians, and you as a faithful person you should always be ready to correct that mistake or bring that conversation (if the situation fits) to make it clear.

2. Procreation does not matter.

Even though it's not a rule for Christians, having 3 or more kids is pretty much important to build the church of Jesus, make it the biggest and always having Christians around you and your kids, and having someone's from your religion in your back, especially in countries where Christians aren't the majority. Plus it's mentioned many times in the bible that the kid should not be alone without brothers or sisters (at least has 2 brothers).

3. We worship Mary.

Something that should be clear to all people, we respect her, not worship her.
We don't ask her to forgive our sins or to protect us or to help us, but to pray to God for us, something very normal as we ask the Priest to pray for us, Paul asked the Christians to pray for him.. Etc.
Even though it's a very catholic idea, we should make it clear to our communities.

4. The sect you belong to gets you to heaven, not the religion.

There are so many people who put the sect they belong to before the Christianity religion which is wrong, you should learn, and teach others that sect is basically nothing, something we should not care about and admit as a thing, because we are Christians, Jesus and Bible get us to heaven, dividing the religion is wrong, belonging to a sect more that the religion is a sin.

5. What's written in the Bible means exactly what's written.

Do you forget that the Bible is translated?? So you should always see what the real translation mean from Christian sources?
It's always a problem that face Christians in many ways, especially the verses about women, the translation really matters and you should look in depth in the verse.

6. What none Christians sources says is also right.

Most of none Christian channels/sources are anti Christian sources. So you can not believe it.
They always spread lies to make our religion seems bad, so do not believe them!

6. We pray to pictures/statues.

Nope sis, we put these in churhes as reference, when we pray we don't look and the picture and pray to it, or imagine that Jesus us in the picture, nope, when we pray we pray to God, that pic or statu has nothing to do with it.
Some catholics give flowers to statues, kiss it and other stuff. This is wrong and a sin, Christians must not do that, that's worshiping a statue.
It's simply : don't you have pictures for your family/friends?  Well it's like that.
PS: Many churches have only crosses. No pictures, no statues.. Etc.

“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Exodus 20:4-6 NIV

7. Reading the Bible and fasting are not important.

Though it's not a sin not to do so, these are great ways to understand Christianity, get closer to God, and make your faith stronger!
And if you started that in a young age it'd be better for you.

8. Jesus only taught love.

Jesus taught love, but also pointing our your brothers in religion's mistake, not accepting what's wrong and saying out loud that it is wrong, not to accept destroying the religion and not to be weak.

Some advices for you:

1) women must hide their hair when they enter the church, because their hair is like a crown, and they should hide it when they are infront of God.

2) men should not wear anything that covers their hair in the church.

3) don't put makeup or accessories to church and keep your clothes modest.

4) try to fast, it's a great way to get closer to God and have patience and feel others pain.

5) don't swear, curse or cuss.
6) don't use God's name in vain (ex: oh much God, Jesus Christ! -when made or surprised-... Etc)

7) judging and pointing other people mistakes and sins is a way of loving thy neighbor.

8) Cross yourself before eating, after eating, before leaving you house, before entering your job, before starting an exam, after finishing an exam, always Cross yourself in everything you do! 

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