Believe In Bible

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Should we believe in everything written in Bible?  Why or why not?

Let's read some verses first:

“ All Scripture is God breathed.”

-1 Timothy 3:16

“Men spoke from God as they were moved [or, guided] by holy spirit.”

-2 Peter 1:21

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”

-Acts 4:31

This is like a buisness man telling his secretart to write a message
Who is the author of the message? It's the business man, not the secretary. In the same way, the author of the Bible is God, not the men he used to write it. God guided them to write his thoughts.

Now, let's pretend that not everything written in Bible is right, let's pretend that there are some mistakes in Bible, doesn't that make the whole Bible wrong?

If there's one wrong verse, how do we believe in the whole Bible?  How do we know that the Gospel is right?  How do we know that Jesus actually made miracles?  How do we know that anything written in Bible is right?
If one verse is wrong, then the whole Bible is wrong.

You can't believe that Jesus is the son of God, and he rose up from the dead if you don't believe that everything written in Bible is right, because if one thing in it is wrong, then the whole Bible is, which means Jesus being the son of God is wrong, and means there's no Jesus to begin with.

Some people say some verses in Bible [or the whole Bible]  is outdated.

The amount of times I heard this makes me so angry.

People say it's outdated because thy are doing sins, and Bible expose them so they say that.

- "Bible outdated, because it discuss people's problems at that time"

People's problems at that time is the same us our time, unless you want to read on how to fix your mobile phone in Bible.
People's problems at that time were: not believing in God nor Jesus, racism, killing, getting drunk, tattooing, commiting adultery.... Etc

Aren't these the problems we face right now? 

☆Some people might say that, because they saw that something is written in Bible as a sin being normalized in our days, well, that doesn't mean Bible outdated, but people are sinners.

If you saw it's written in Bible as a sin, don't normalize it, because Bible is God's word. Follow God not people.

Let's get back to the main topic:

⇨ what about the unrealistic aspects?
A serpent talked to Eve. How is that possible?

“The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.”

-Revelation 12:9

As Elvis would put it, the snake was “the devil in disguise.”

The Bible is in fact God’s word, and it is all true. If we say any part is false, we are calling God a liar, and he can’t lie(Hebrews 6:18)...

Empty space to ask any question.

⇨Yayyy, from the next part we'll start talking about how to be a real happy Christian 👏👏 which is my purpose of this book 👀💞

⇨Next part: Innocence and Wisdom.

Take care, stay safe, thank God ♡
Nashi xx

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