Healthy Life

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Before we start let's make something clear:
Let's pretend you did everything written down, you were a perfect person with barely any sin, but you went out without a mask, didn't social distance etc... Do you think you won't catch a disease?  Naaah, you should follow the government's rules. Also let's pretend you got sick... Does that means you are a bad person?  Nope, not at all, it means that the devil is trying to make you stop believing in God.

Now let's get back to our topic :

“Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.”

– Exodus 23:25-26

Of course, worshipping God, believing that Jesus is the Lord, is always the key to everything good and joyful in our lives.

That means we should put Jesus in the center of our lives, we should read God's word (Bible), follow his commandments and pray .

“Eat what is good”

- Isaiah 55:2

“Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God”

- 1 Corinthians 10:31

I truely love these two verses,  God allowed us to eat from every tree, to eat any animal, to drink anything, but that doesn't mean to harm ourselves or other creatures with that, I'm gonna bring up my favorite verse of all the time in Bible:

"I have the right to do anything"  you say -but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything" but not everything is constructive.

- 1 Corinthians 10:23

We are allowed to drink wine, but that doesn't mean it's beneficial and constructive to get drunk, God forbid us to get drunk.
We are allowed to eat meat, but that doesn't mean we can eat as much as ee want, because it'll harm our bodies,  and it'll put the animals' lived in danger of extinct.

God also tells us:
“This shall be a perpetual statute … you shall eat neither fat nor blood” -

-Leviticus 3:17

Let's be honest, animals' fat is so delicious smh :') I mean personally I LOVE IT but I only eat it once or twice a year because I know it's too unhealthy and that's how I do with all kinds of food that might affect my health, because that's what God wants us to do.

Fact: Science has confirmed that most heart attacks result from high cholesterol—and that the use of fats is largely responsible for high levels of cholesterol. God really knows what he's saying ha 😉

⇨ so now we know God told us to eat healthy food and avoid unhealthy food, but he also said something else about food :

“Put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite.”

-Proverbs 23:2

In Luke 21:34, Jesus warned against “carousing” [intemperance] in the last days. Overeating, a form of intemperance, is responsible for many degenerative diseases. Don't harbor envy or hold grudges. These kinds of sinful feelings disrupt body processes.
The Scripture says that envy is “rottenness to the bones” [Proverbs 14:30]. Jesus commanded us to clear up grudges that others might hold against us [Matthew 5:23, 24].

“A merry heart does good, like medicine”

-Proverbs 17:22

As he thinks in his heart, so is he”

-Proverbs 23:7

Many diseases are a result of depression, so a cheerful, joyful disposition imparts health, trust the Lord,  obide His commands, believe that He will solve all your problems, that He will give you the best advice, the best solution, that He will stay when everyone leave, stay away from negative people, believe in yourself and don't let anyone put you down! 


“Be clean”

-Isaiah 52:11

“Everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things”

-1 Corinthians 9:25

▶ two simple things, be clean, clean from inside (worshipping God and following his commands)  and outside (bath regularly, stay hygiened) , and be temperate in all things! 

“Every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor—it is the gift of God”

-Ecclesiastes 3:13

Most of us reacts like this when we see a food / drink we don't like :  (EEEEEWW it's gross / disgusting / I'd rather die than eating that sh•• etc..)
And simply be mad and angry all the time while eating and cursing the food in our minds.
Well, time to stop that, see that food you're saying that it's gross?  People would pay their lives to taste it,  it's not okay to say that what God's made is disgusting, you can dislike the food, but if you had to eat it, be thankful, grateful, and eat it without saying anything bad.
Plus, always try to be joyful while eating cause happy meal = happy person!  And remember to thank God for giving you the food before and after eating.

“Loose the bonds of wickedness … undo the heavy burdens … share your bread with the hungry, and … bring to your house the poor who are cast out; when you see the naked … cover him, and … your healing shall spring forth speedily”

-Isaiah 58:6–8

God tells us that if wr help people who are in need He'll give us a healthy life!
In fact helping people is such a great thing to do, because you are making someone happy, the positivity that comes from that is a great way to heal and treat depression!  And God will bless us with a long happy life because of that!


Lastly : follow the healthcare rules (this sentence is probably grammatically wrong so I'd appreciate if you correct me)
For examples: wear masks, wash your hands, don't smoke etc..

Free space to ask any question.

Take care, stay safe, thank God ♡

Nashi xx

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