An Evening With the Samba

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Lorelai was gathering her stuff from the Inn so she could go and meet Luke when Sookie appeared.

"Where are you going?"

"Uh, Lukes?" Lorelai says digging in her purse to find her keys.

"But tonight's girl's nigghhht." Sookie says in squeaky, whiny voice.

"Sookie that's tomorrow. Remember."

Sookie giggles "Sorry, I'm just so excited for Rory's call!"

"Me too." Lorelai says smiling to herself. "Alright, see ya later Sookie!" Before Sookie can say anything else Lorelai hurries out the door and quickly drives home to meet Luke. When she opens the door, Luke is standing near the closet putting on his jacket.

"Hi." He says in his gruff, Luke tone. "You ready?"

"Almost, I just need to say 'Bye' to Paul-Anka." Lorelai says walking into the living room.

"Uh, Lorelai?" Luke says folding his arms.

"Yeah?" She says petting Paul-Anka.

"What happened to your lamp?" Luke asks with a look of curiosity sparkling in his eyes.

"Well, uh, Paul-Anka had some friends over, and some cats crashed the party. There was a big fight and Shirley Temple somehow showed up." Lorelai says with a rather straight face.

"In other words?..." Luke says gesturing her to go on.

"Kirk came."

"Say no more." He says going to the door and opening it for Lorelai. She smiles at him and walks through the door.

"So walking or driving?" She asks taking in some fresh air.

"Let's walk." He says giving her hand a little squeeze. As they walk through Stars Hollow, they walk pasted Miss Patty's.

"Oooh, Luke, Lorelai, come here, come here!" She says waving her hands frantically.

"Cmon lets go see what it is." Lorelai says tugging Luke along with her. When they enter Miss Patty's, there is a circle of older folks in pairs.

"Come here. Come here." Patty says eagerly. "Okay, everyone, this is Luke and this is Lorelai, as you all know. They will be demonstrating the samba for us today!" The people began to clap.

"I don't really dance . . ." Luke says backing out of the circle.

"Don't be silly." says Patty rushing towards him. She takes him into the center of the circle where Lorelai stands with a smirk on her face. Patty places Lorelai's hands in Luke's instructs them to dance.

"Make your hips move Luke! No, no, no, you have to feel the music! That's it! Now Lorelai, lean into him more." Patty shouts tapping her foot to the beat while Luke and Lorelai move swiftly across the floor. Lorelai spins and moves her feet along with Luke's. Luke begins to walk faster with a nervous expression on his face. As instructed, Lorelai leans into Luke a little more.

"There we go! This is the Samba!" The songs ends and Luke holds Lorelai steady with his hands on her waist. Lorelai turns to the people watching, stands up straight. and bows. Luke does the same, glares at Miss Patty, grabs Lorelai's hand, and walks out.

"Well talk about Saturday Night Fever! You know, John Travolta would be proud." Lorelai says looking at Luke as they walk towards the diner. Luke fishes the keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door. He lets Lorelai in and slams the door shut.

"So what do you want to . . ." Before Lorelai can finish her sentence Luke spins her around and kisses her. Surprised, Lorelai stands there with here hands at her sides. She then moves them up to Luke's neck.

"Do." Lorelai says as The kiss ends. Luke walks behind the counter.

"Coffee?''He asks finally looking up.

"Wait, what was that exactly?" Lorelai says leaning against the counter.

"Well I haven't seen you a lot lately and I thought that maybe we could do that more often?"

"Oh, well, then, mister kiss-kiss-don't-tell-me, I guess I'll have be around more often." She says smiling and pecking him on the lips.

"Alright, good. So dinner?" Luke asks checking out the cash register.

"For once in my life, no, my bottomless pit is not so bottomless." Lorelai says sighing.

"Then what do you want to do?" Luke says walking around the counter. Lorelai sits down.

"Let's just talk."

Okay, I'm sorry I didn't update earlier. I want tons of feedback because I'm not sure if this was my best writing. Please tell me if I can improve things. I'll do a better job in the next chapter I promise. Please vote and comment!

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