Right Here, Right Now

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"Come on in." Jess said moving aside so Rory could come in.

She walked in and found the floor scattered with crumpled up papers.

"Sorry for the mess, I'm trying to come up with a speech for the wedding." Jess said laughing and picking up the papers. He nonchalantly tossed them in the trash and sat down on the bed. "So what's up?"

Rory raises her eyebrows and thinks about the question. "Nothing."

"Well I'm stumped. I can't come up with anything for the speech." He says as he falls back onto the bed.

"Can I help?" Rory says sitting next to him on the bed.

"Yes! That would be great!" Jess smiles and bounces up off the bed. He walks over to the trash and picks out the crumpled pieces of paper. "Read these, they might help a bit."

Rory smoothed out the papers and looked over the various speeches Jess had written. She kept seeing the words: Austen and Erica, I haven't been so certain about love until I saw you two together.

"It sucks." Jess says putting his head in his hands.

"No it's good so far, you just need to express it in more detail." Rory says. "Tell me about them."

"Well, I had known Austen for a couple years and he had just met Erica." Jess began sitting up to tell the story. "Once he was bringing her to dinner to with us so I could meet her. He was so damn nervous." Jess grinned. "Throughout the dinner he kept glancing at her with just pure happiness. He was just so entranced and every time they shared a touch you could tell there was a spark."

Rory stared at Jess with smile. He kept talking but she didn't seem to hear him. It all seemed to unravel at once.

"I mean obviously I was thinking 'Get a room' but--" Jess was stopped midsentence when he suddenly felt Rory's lips on his. He pulls away.

"What are you doing? Aren't you with that Logan guy?" Jess says, eyes wide open.

"We broke up." Rory says looking down at her feet sighing. "I shouldn't be here, I'll go." Rory says getting up and heading towards the door.

Before she could turn the doorknob, Jess grabbed her wrist.

"Rory I just have one question." Jess said staring at the back of her head.

"What." She says turning around.

"If your single, I'm single, we're both adults, and I'm not stupid anymore.." Jess said as Rory chuckled. "Why didn't you come to my room sooner?" Jess asked grinning.

"You're about as smooth as Ferris Bueller." Rory says gazing into Jess's eyes.

"Good thing you saved me then." Jess said smashing his lips onto hers. Jess lifted her up and Rory put her hands in his hair while wrapping her legs around him.

He unhooks her bra and she takes off his shirt. They share a passionate kiss and Jess begins to trail kisses down her collar bone.

7 doors down, Rory's phone is violently ringing for the 13th time as her mom leaves yet another message.


At Lorelai's House....

As Lorelai once again dials Rory's number, she begins to feel worried.

"Sookie, why isn't she picking up?"
She asks Sookie, who is on the couch dividing up their Chinese food.

"Hon, she's probably sleeping, you can always call her tomorrow."
Sookie says giving Lorelai a reassuring look.

Lorelai sighs. "I'm just gonna call her one more time." Lorelai says dialing her number.

"Uh, hey Hun, I know your probably asleep but I just wanted to make sure that you didn't get kidnapped or you didn't go to Lincoln Memorial and trip down the steps into the arms of Mel Gibson. Anyways, call me back. Bye." Lorelai ends her message ands hangs up.

"Here, try this orange chicken, it's amazing!" Sookie says holding up a piece of orange chicken.

Lorelai walks over, takes a bite and gasps.
"That. Is. So. Good! This is from Al's?!" Lorelai exclaims munching on the delicious delicacy.

"Yep, I showed him a couple of tricks for his sauce." Sookie says eating another piece.

Lorelai gives her a thumbs up hears the doorbell ring.

"I got it." She says as she licks her fingers and opens the door.

"Well you took long enough." Emily said standing there with her arms folded.


A little bit of a cliffhanger. I hoped you guys like this chapter. I know it's a little short but I promise the next one will be longer. Please vote and comment! Thanks!!

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