The Hilton

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"You can now unfasten your searbelts and thanks for flying with US Conneticut Airlines."

Rory unfastened her seatbelt and collected her things. Next to her, Percy had everything ready to go.

"Where are you off to next?" Percy says, playing with a loose string on his bag.

"Oh I'm staying in D.C. for the summer. I have internship with one of the candidates for president." Rory says with a look of pride on her face.

"Wow." Percy says getting up. Rory follows him into the isle and slowly makes her way up to the front. "Well it was nice to meet you, Rory." Percy says holding out his hand.

"You too." Rory says smiling. she walks down the passage and heads to baggage claim. The baggage carrier machine has let out only two bags so far. Soon, the machine begins to stir and bags roll out. Rory spots her bag and goes towards it.

Just as she reaches for her bag she is shoved to the side. Rory falls down hard on the floor. "Rory?" says a familiar voice. She looks up to find him looking at her with a curious and excited look on his face.


He takes a step forward and helps her up. She brushes herself off and faces Jess. He had some stubble that looked quite handsome on him and wore a black blazer with some jeans.

"So how have you been?" Jess asks grinning. Rory smiles and gets her bag off of the baggage carrier.

"I've been good, you?"

"Fine. Why are you in D.C.?" Jess asks.

"I should ask you the same." Rory says looking at her feet.

"Well if you must know, my friend Austin is getting married here this weekend." Jess explains. "Now will you tell me why you're in D.C.?"

"Oh, well, I'm here for a summertime internship along with one of the election candidates." Rory says blushing.

"Wow, I knew you could do something great." Jess says smiling. "What hotel are you staying at?"

"The Hilton, about 10 miles from here." Rory says.

"Really? That's where I'm staying. Do you want to ride with me to the hotel?" Jess asked holding out his hand.

"Um, yeah sure." She took Jess's hand and they approached the exit.
They went outside, put their bags into the trunk of a cab, and got in.

"Hilton Hotel." Jess says to the driver.

After 30 minutes of silence passed, Jess and Rory got out of the cab. They got their bags and Jess paid the driver. As the cab drove off, Rory and Jess walked into the hotel. The lobby had fancy decorations like vases, chandeliers, and mini waterfalls. They walk towards the counter.

"One room for the lady and one for myself please." Jess says bringing a credit card.

"No, Jess, it's okay." Rory says putting her hand on his arm.

"I insist." Jess smiles and gives the cashier his credit card.

"Of course, ma'am, you are in room 43A and sir, you are in 49A. Have a wonderful stay."

"Thank you." Jess and Rory says as they head towards the elevator.

When they arrive at their floor, Jess and Rory step out of the elevator. "Well it was great to see you Rory." Jess says with a wide grin.

"You too." Rory says smiling.




Three hours later, Rory, unable to sleep, puts on a robe, some slippers, and goes out into the hall. She walks down the hall until the arrives at the door that says '49A.'
She knocks on the door and Jess answers with reading glasses on and a pair of boxers.

"Oh, uh, hi." He says scratching his head.

"Can I come in?"

Woohoo! Cliffhanger!!!! I hope you liked this chapter. I know it was short and Im sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'll start updating more often. Please vote and comment! Thanks for reading!!!!!!!

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