chapter 20

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Desirée’s point of view

Tears. Sniffles. Whispers. Sadness. Sorrow.
That’s the best way that I can describe the atmosphere of this Monday. A Monday I dreaded, yet now I can’t help but feel happy.

A few hours earlier, our principal called everyone to the hall where he shared with us the sad news of the unfortunate death of our maths teacher. Mr Danes.

Around me people were crying, sniffling, whispering amongst themselves about the rumours circling around concerning his death.

I personally don’t give a damn. If anyone decided to pay attention to me today they’d notice the big smile on my face. A smile so big, it probably makes me look like a psychotic patient.

But I don’t care. I don’t care what people say. I don’t care about how they feel. I don’t even care about how he died. All I care about is the fact that he is dead and I don’t have to worry about him anymore.

I don’t have to worry about failing maths anymore. I don’t have to worry about him threatening me, and I most definitely don’t have to worry about him touching me ever again.

I may not know how he died, but I do know that it was a painful death if the person who I think is responsible for his death just so happens to be Alex. I know that it was her, even though I didn’t ask and she didn’t say.

It can’t be a coincidence that he is found dead after I told one of the most dangerous people of what he did to me and they said that they would handle it.

I’m not an idiot and I’m also not ungrateful, which is why right now I’m heading to the cafeteria, to her table which only the two of us occupy, to do something which I think is long overdue.

“hey baby, you okay?” she asks as she gets up from her seat and comes forward to hug me and instead of hugging her back, I not so gently cup her face and smash our lips together.
An earthquake. That’s what it feels like to kiss her. I feel unstable. Unable to control what’s happening to my body.

I’m kissing her with a passion. Albeit I’ve never missed anyone before. Come to think of it, I’ve only ever made lip contact with her. The first time we met, when she kidnapped me, when I was still her hostage and now.

It’s as if I was meant for her. My body was meant to respond to her only.
Gosh she’s a good kisser, like really good. No tongue is involved yet it feels as though we’re french kissing.

So lost in our kiss, I only remember where we are when she pulls back with a smirk on her face and Whispers “if 2000 pairs of eyes weren’t ogling us right now, things would be so different” before pecking my lips one more time and placing me on her lap as she sits.

“you bitches are loco” Donald says as he takes a seat on my side “you just gave everyone a show” guess he’s not pissed anymore.

“that was pornography at it’s best. You guys are disgusting” Annalise says with a smile on her face as she also joins our table. I guess they all aren’t pissed anymore

“Eh bien, regardez qui est prêt à perdre sa virginite” Paul Jackson, another one of my friends says as he sits across from us “Je peux sentir ton excitation d’ici”

‘well, look who’s ready to lose their virginity. I can smell your arousal from here'

Paul is the only other french person I know. He was born in France yet grew up here. He’s a year older than the rest of us, well except Al.

“Va te faire foutre Jackson” I say as I flip him the bird “nous savons tous le deux que vous êtes toujours vierge aussi”

‘go fuck yourself Jackson. We both know you’re still a virgin too’

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