Missing Puzzle Piece

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"He hasn't let anyone in" Taeil said as soon as Mark and Johnny made their way inside.

"But he asked for you guys" He added. Johnny nodded trying to keep calm, Mark in the other hand couldn't stop biting his nails.

"Before we talk to him, do you know what happened?" Mark asked, trying to prepare himself to deal with what he'd see once he crossed the bathroom door.

Taeil shook his head.

"Hasn't said a thing" Mark took a breath, 'ok'

"Hey Doie, it's me Johnny" He heard noise behind the door.

"I'm here too hyung, uh Mark I mean, can we come in?" Mark said softly as if to not startle the boy in the bathroom.

"Only you two" Doyoung finally said, opening the door slightly, only enough for a quarter of his face to be shown.

"Doie, I'd love to but we're not gonna fit through that space" Johnny said smiling at the other.

"Don't want them to see me" The younger croaked out, his voice hoarse, but soft, 'still pretty' Johnny thought.

"Ok leave the door unlocked and sit in the toilet away from the door, I'll count to five to make sure you're away and can't see you ok? Can you do that for me?" Doyoung nodded closing the door, but Johnny didn't hear a lock so he sighed in relief and began to count, he looked back at Ten, Taeyong and Taeil apologetically, he knew they probably felt bad right now, but this was about Doyoung, and if he had wanted them he must've had a reason.

"Ok Mark let's go in" Johnny opened the door Mark stepping in behind him making sure he'd close it and lock it so no one disturbed them and scared his hyung.

The sight in front of them was devastating, the boy's eyes were red, tear marks going down his cheeks even if he wasn't crying anymore, Doyoung rubbed his palms together sniffling, expecting them to say something first.

"Hyung are you okay?" Mark said, breaking the ice. Doyoung shook his head no, but didn't say or do anything else. The youngers heart broke, he didn't understand what was going on, but he remembered what Ten told him when he was coming in, 'He was with Jaehyun, thats all we know'.

He pulled the oldest down, so he'd be able to whisper into his ear.

"Ten hyung told me Doyoung hyung was with Jaehyun, they even picked him up at the house" He whispered, this made the tallers blood boil, but he tried to maintain his calm for Doyoung, who was just staring at them zoned out, as if he was in another country.

"What did he do to you?" Johnny said strongly, not too much where he scared the younger boy but enough to make Doyoung snap out, he began to get teary again.

"I'm sorry" He said, it was the first thing he said since they entered the room, and it was the most painful thing he's ever heard.

"Sorry for what Doie? you don't have to be sorry"

"I- I didn't say no" Johnny's heart dropped, this could mean so many things and they were all bad.

"But you didn't want it" Mark said realizing suddenly what was going on, Doyoung shook his head.

"Doyoung I need to know what he did to you" Johnny begged, he was gonna kill that son of a bitch.

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